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Bridges Of Life

There are many bridges In our life and some are hard to cross, but the one that I'm crossing leads to Heaven and I know that I am not lost.

Here I am Jesus. I've been on the wrong side too long. this bridge Is long and narrow. but I know you will welcome me home.

Too many people are scared of religion, religion will get you no where, until you have recieved salvation, you're crossing a bridge, that leads you to fear.

When you have reached the end of your crossing, God will be waiting for you. If you've kept the faith and been true to Jesus, that little walk will be worth It all. Trust In my Jesus and you'll never fall.

So get on the path that leads you to Heaven. There's always valleys below. But when you're on the top and look at the valleys, leave all your burdens below.

Then all your trials will then seem as nothing. Jesus has cast them away, He Is our King and If we trust Him. This crossing will take us to Heaven one day.

Written By Adria Roberts


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