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Gods Beauty

When I walked into the forest, and I see a different view my eyes focus on the beauty that God made for me and you.

He made every tree and animal that we see all around, and oh how I praise Him when I hear a chirping sound.

My God is up there waiting for us to believe and claim our salvation!!! It is a gift you see.

I have repented of my sins and feel that I can see, all the glorious beauty that God has In store for you and me.

He does not ask for riches and doese't want us to greive. He wants to give salvation to those that will believe.

Sometimes when I'm praying and feel so close to His door, I want to touch the hem of his garment, the purple robe He wore.

But since I cannot touch It, His presence dwells within, I'm on a road to Heaven. God forgave me of my sins. SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND.

Written by Adria Roberts


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