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Family Of Children Lost

Hi mom and dad Its me. I am the brightest star you see. Just step outside and look on high, you'll see me twinkle In the sky.

I am with God I'm happy now, so meet me In Heaven at the door, where little ones are safe once more.

Little children weren't safe at play because satan sent wicked men their way. Thay watched for children all alone and took them away from their homes.

I would not come back If I could, that old world held nothing good. I'm happy here and free to play, God has planned a better way, and one day soon the evil ones will pay.

One day we will meet again, In a place where no evil can enter In. So live your life as you had planned, and one day we'll meet In a better land.

I'm In a place God chose for me. I know your life will never be the same, so pray that we will meet again, and God will bring you to this great land.

Written By Adria Roberts

God Bless all the families


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