So the BSB were in NYC for the 99 VMAs. I found their hotel but it was booked up (damn teenyboppers). I did manage to sneak in and put a microphone and a transmitter in one of their rooms. Here's what I heard:
Voice1(unidentifiable): mmmm yes baby...
Voice1(unidentifiable): oh you go...go...go...Pam!! Yes yes Pam!!
Pam?!?! Omigod, Pamela Anderson Lee!! Oops, wrong room!!
So I moved it to another room...
(sound of door opening)
Howie: ahhh, what a beautiful hotel. Beautiful hotel, beautiful city. I love it. Love it all, love it all.
(silence for a few moments)
Howie: let's see, got my movies with me...Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Leprechaun, The Troll Convention, Good Will Humping...Good Will Humping?? Hmmm...must be AJ's. (yawn) It's late I should go to-
(knock on door)
Howie: come on in!!
(door opens)
AJ: alright, the party has arrived!!
(door slams)
Howie: party?? No parties, I need my beauty sleep.
AJ: beauty sleep?? For what?? All you need to do is cut those geri curls!!
Howie: no need to be's reall late and I-
(knock on door)
AJ: must be the girls!! C'mon in!!
Howie: girls?? no!!
(door opens)
Howie and AJ: Nick??
Nick: it was dark in my room an' I was a-scared...hey is it dark in here??
Howie: ow!! Get off me Nick!!
AJ: huh?? Wait-no!! Stay there, Nick!!
Nick: ouch!! AJ, get off me!! Ow!!
(rustling for a long time)
Muffled Voice1: hey, right there??
Muffled Voice2: yeah, that's harder in the dark
(door opens)
Girl 1: hey...AJ!!
Girl 2: that Nick?? Wow, Nick, you are fat!!
Girl 1: hey, I wanna join, move over Howie.
(rustling for a while, muffled voices in the background)
(door opens)
Brian: hey, what the-
Girl 2: Brian!! Come on in and join!!
AJ: I can't-huh?? Hey Brian. Yes, yes, YES!!
Nick: move over, AJ. You're hogging the whole thing.
Girl 1: (giggles) Nick's butt is in my face!!
(door opens)
Nick: it AJ, round and round...
Kevin: where's...the..light...switch?? over there??
Brian: aaahh!! The light's so bright!!
Howie: It's so HOT in here!!
Kevin: guy...playing Twister...with out me....again??
They all left then. Time to play Monopoly, I think. What a night huh??