New poser!! Actually, this is one of my fav. I got kind of creative. And as always, my comments are in italics
NikeGrrlVJ: hey
Checkers Face: Hi
NikeGrrlVJ: are you really one of the bsb's gfs??
Checkers Face: Do i know you??
Checkers Face: I am AJ's gf
NikeGrrlVJ: no but my friend told me that you were
NikeGrrlVJ:'re lucky
Checkers Face: Who is your friend
NikeGrrlVJ: ((she's talked to you b4))
Checkers Face: Yes he is a great guy
NikeGrrlVJ: oh god I forgot her sn
Checkers Face: Thats okay
NikeGrrlVJ: is he really wild like that or just the stage
Checkers Face: No, he is not that wild!!!!
Checkers Face: AJ can be very calm...he just likes to perform when he is on stage
NikeGrrlVJ: lol...he's a sweetie huh??
Checkers Face: Yes he is a really sweet and caring person
Checkers Face: So who is your fave BSB??
NikeGrrlVJ: romantic??
NikeGrrlVJ: um Brian or Nick or maybe AJ
Checkers Face: Yes!! He does lots of sweet things, like writing me poems
Checkers Face: like a lot of them...LOL Don't laugh at me, freak.
Checkers Face: How old are you...i am 18
NikeGrrlVJ: well its normally Brian but Nick is catching up
NikeGrrlVJ: uh...9??
NikeGrrlVJ: almost 9, Feb 18 details, details
Checkers Face: Nick is such a sweetie
Checkers Face: Happy Early Birthday
NikeGrrlVJ: and goofy (well thats what I hear)
NikeGrrlVJ: thank you!!
NikeGrrlVJ: when is yours??
Checkers Face: Mine is November 19
Checkers Face: Yes Nick has a great sense of humor
NikeGrrlVJ: and Brian??
Checkers Face: Brian is sweet too, he is so polite
NikeGrrlVJ: have you met Leighanne?? If you have, I feel for you
Checkers Face: Yes, Leighanne is nice too
NikeGrrlVJ: I heard that she does not lik fans. She does not lik wen thay jump on Brain
Checkers Face: Oh, i think a lot of people are hard on Leighanne. Anytime i am with her, she is nice to the fans even though a lot don't seem to like her I heard that she's either a bitch or overly sweet, like fake
NikeGrrlVJ: Is that true??
NikeGrrlVJ: ok
Checkers Face: I think its the fact that so many girls love Brian so they wouldn't like anyone he dated
NikeGrrlVJ: oh. Mabye the fans are jelous?? Jealous of a big breasted baboon slut?? Nah...
Checkers Face: Exactly...the fans are just jealous so they make fun of Leighanne
NikeGrrlVJ: I wold not do that. If the Boys are hapy, then I am to.
Checkers Face: That is very nice of you
NikeGrrlVJ: I am glade you make AJ hapy so he can make nic music
Checkers Face: Thank you anytime faker
Checkers Face: Luckily, most of the fans i meet are NICE
NikeGrrlVJ: Thats goud. You mis him when hes on toure??
Checkers Face: Oh i miss him so much
NikeGrrlVJ: I hav a boyfreind his naim is Timmy. I dont no what I wold do if he left for mounths and mounths.
Checkers Face: I am suure you would miss him a lot!!! I will definitely miss AJ so you haven't been with for long?? Good, no engagements
NikeGrrlVJ: My older sisster licks BSB to. But she talks abot them funny, and my Mom and Dad tell her to stop useing those bad wourds. She licks BSB!! LOL!! Oh come on, laugh!!
Checkers Face: She likes them, but she swears about them?? Noooo
NikeGrrlVJ: She gets sant awaiy from the diner table four useing nasty langage. Ok, overdoing the spelling mistakes, I know
Checkers Face: Why does she use nasty language about the guys??
NikeGrrlVJ: Yo won't tel my Mom if I sey the wourd on the compoter wil you??
Checkers Face: no
Checkers Face: I wont tell
NikeGrrlVJ: she taulks abot there peniss.
Checkers Face: OH!!!!!!
Checkers Face: Well that is not very nice, so i dont blame your parents for being mad
NikeGrrlVJ: and maks funy noises. ohhhh ahhhhh
Checkers Face: Why would she even talk about something like that???
Checkers Face: WEIRD!!!!!!!!!
Checkers Face: Well you stay the way you are, not saying bad words
NikeGrrlVJ: she sez she licks them diferently then I do. She licks them sexualy "Am I sexual?? Yeah baby!!
Checkers Face: OH!!!! How old is she
NikeGrrlVJ: I wont sey them. They are bad!!
NikeGrrlVJ: 15
Checkers Face: good for you
Checkers Face: I am 18 and i don't use bad words
NikeGrrlVJ: I aim glade you are not lick my sisster. You are nice. Don't lick my sis!! (OK I don't have one)
Checkers Face: Thank you, i think you are nice too :)
NikeGrrlVJ: I aim soposed to be in bed so I beter go. Say hi to AJ four me pleas??
Checkers Face: yes i will tell Aj hi
Checkers Face: HAve a good nights sleep
NikeGrrlVJ: thank yo.
Checkers Face: Bye
NikeGrrlVJ: Good niht
Anyway, this is now officially my favorite poser. I love it and hope you did too.