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Chapter 9~ Stay With Me

"Nick, I'm on the phone! NICK!" I yelled down the stairs. He was in the studio banging away on his drums, but he obviously didn't hear me. "Mom, I'll call you back. Okay, bye," I said, hanging up the phone. I bounded down the stairs and barged into the studio. The drumsticks in Nick's hands were flying across the set, and he had earphones on, like the kind he wears when he records. I went over and unplugged them from the speaker. His eyes popped open and he stopped drumming. "Marissa! What are you doing! We're working here!" he yelled, standing up and ripping off the headphones. I glanced over to the sound room and saw Kevin and AJ sitting behind the boards. "Nick, you could at least shut the studio door! That's why they made it SOUND PROOF!" I yelled back. "Look, I'm sorry if you don't like the fact that we're using MY studio, but you're gonna HAVE TO DEAL until tomorrow! Brian and Howie are at Trans Con today working on lyrics!" Nick yelled back. "I never said I didn't like you using your studio. Hell, that's what you built it for! But shut the damn door!" I yelled, barging out of the studio and slamming it behind me. I ran back upstairs and called Kennedy. "Hello?" she answered. "Ken, it's Marissa," I said. "What's up?" she asked. "Nothing. Nick's being stupid. All I did was ask him to shut the damn studio door, and he blows up at me!" I said. "Guys can be arrogant, but I hope you put him in his place!" she said. I laughed. "Yeah, I hope I did," I answered. Just then Brian and Howie came running into my house. "Sup, Mare?" Brian said, running straight past me and down to the studio. Howie wasn't far behind him. "Your man just ran in here all excited about something. I think they finished the lyrics," I said. "Well, I won't bother him now, but I have to go. I have a doctor's appointment, so I'll see you later," Kennedy said. "Okay, bye." "Bye." I hung up the phone and went to the basement stairs. I sat down on the top step and listened. I could hear their voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I noticed the red light at the bottom of the stairs light up, which meant they were recording something. I sat quietly and listened to Nick play the drums. It was a simple rhythm, and by the way it sounded, I don't think he messed up once. A few seconds after he was finished, the red light went off, and they started talking again. I knew they would take forever down there, so I got up and went into the kitchen. _______________________________________________________________________________ "Marissa! Come down here!" Nick called up the basement stairs about three hours later. I got up off the couch and walked down the stairs to the studio. "Stay in here and when I nod at you press this button," he said, pointing out a red button. "After we get done, press it again, okay?" he finished. I nodded and he went into the recording booth. He went and stood by Kevin and put on the headphones. Kevin, Brian, Howie and AJ all had headphones on, and each one was at their own mic. "Y'all ready?" he asked. They nodded and he looked at me. He nodded at me and I pressed the button. I heard an intro to a song play, and I knew that the red button was to start the recording, so I was as quiet as I could be. After a few bars, Brian started singing. "I looked in you eyes, and thought I saw stars. I always thought love would be, So far away from me, until you opened your heart." Brian stopped and Nick began his part. "I love you every day, and I miss you every night. And I think I would lay down and die, without you by my side. And I thought I was lost, Until I was found, by you. Stay with me, for eternity, stay with me," he sang, and the other guys joined in. They harmonized so well. Then Brian came back in. "You taught me how to live, and you taught me how to love. I always knew what you could do, and I'm so grateful you let me love you, and this is all I want to give." Then AJ and Howie sang together. "Let me love you forever. Let me need you for all time. Stay with me, stay with me, for eternity, stay with me." All the guys did few vocal riffs and finished out the song. The music faded and Nick pointed at me. I pressed the red button again, and the guys took off their headphones. "What did you think?" Nick asked. "It was beautiful!" I answered, clapping for them. They all took elaborated bows and came out of the booth. "We wrote it for you, Marissa, Monica, and Leslie," Howie explained. "I loved it. You guys did an awesome job," I prasied them. "Thanks!" they said. "Go get something to eat. I ordered pizza," I informed them. They all sprinted up the stairs at the sound of food, but Nick stayed behind. "What?" I asked. "I wanted them to call the song 'Stay With Me' because I never want you to go. I always want you to stay here, with me, forever," he said, taking my hands. "Nicky, I would never leave you. You know that. I love you too much to go," I reassured him. He smiled, and I kissed his nose. "Will you always stay with me?" I asked. "For eternity," he answered.

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