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    Ms. Hammonds's Math Classes are working hard.  The pre-Algebra Class is studying the Cartesian Plane.  Algebra One is working on Graphing Strategies, while Geometry students are studying Triangles. All class units may include quizzes, tests, open response, writing assignments, and on demand writings.

    Ms. Thompson has her classes reading various literary works in order to be able to identify and analyze elements of literature.  They are working on answering essential questions like "What is Literature?", "What rule does literature play in our society?", and "What are some of the purposes of literature?"

Follow-up from the Social Studies Department:

    Ms. Layne's classes have also recently completed their study of the Vietnam Conflict.  Students have finished independent research projects and have visited many Vietnam veterans from the Betsy Layne community.  Veterans provided personal memorabilia, pictures, and artifacts which were collected during their experience.

    Ms. Dillion's World Civilization students are being informed of current events and how they are connected to the past.  IN addition to lectures, discussions, and role-playing, the students work on projects.  Their current project was a poster presentation depicting a specific aspect of the Vietnam War.

    Mrs. Hall is working with her World Civilization students on learning about "A Changing World".  They are examining the good and bad effects of nationalism and are discovering how world conditions led to a world war.  They are analyzing how workers united and demanded changes in working conditions.  Finally, her U.S. History classes are studying how "America Becomes a World Power".  Those students are examining how the Great Depression, New Deal Policies, and world wars transformed America and helped to shape its role in world affairs.  They are going to be discussing propaganda techniques and how they can affect attitudes and they identify the events that led to World War II.

    Mr. Hall's Career Work students at the Wal-Mart Supercenter are doing very well.  Jordan Bryant is in his third training phase at Wal-Mart as he has moved from the Tire and Auto Dept. to the Garden Center.  He left the Tire and Auto Dept. in good hands with his brother, Jeffrey Bryant and fellow student Josh Hall.


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Last modified: February 20, 2001