Brian Littrell
- Full Name: Brian Thomas Littrell
- Nicknames: Bri, B-Rok, Mr. Joker, Seaver, Frick
- Birthdate: February 20, 1975
- Astrological Sign: Pisces
- Place of Birth: Lexington, KY
- Residence: Orlando, Florida
- Family: Mom-Jackie and Dad-Harold, Sib-Older brother Harold Jr.
- Hair: Browish-Blond
- Eyes: Blue
- Height: 5'8
- Weight: 140lbs
- Hobbies: listening to music, movies, sports, working out, and singing
- Favorite Color: Blue
- Favorite Food: Macroni and Cheese, Cheese Pizza
- Favorite Musicians: Boyz II Men, Brian Mcknight, Luther Vandross, Shai, and Jodeci
- Favorite Movie: Star Wars
- Favorite TV Show: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- Favorite Actor and Actress: Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock
- Favorite Book: The Music Business
- Favorite Foreign Country: Australia and Germany
- Favorite Songs on Backstreet Boys: Don't Leave Me, and I'll Never Break Your Heart
- Favorite Songs on Millennium: Larger Than Life, Don't Wanna Lose You Now, and Perfect Fan
- Favorite Cologne: Safari
- Most Embrassing Moment: He Kicked his shoe off onstage during a fast dance routine and had to hop around on one foot until Kevin made his way across stage to get it for him. The show must go on.