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The March moon is known as... The Storm Moon, Seed Moon, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Worm Moon, Hrethmonath (Hertha's Month), Lentzinmanoth (Renewal Month), Lenting Moon, Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Moon of the snowblind

March 1: Greek and Roman 'Matronalia', Festival of Hera and Juno Lucina. Celtic Feast of Rhiannon. Preliminary hearings in the Salem Witch trials held1692

March 4: 'Anthesteria' Festival of flowers dedicated to Flora and Hecate in Greece

March 5: Celebration of Isis

March 14: 'The Diasia' Greek festival to ward of poverty. Jacques de Molay (head of the Knights Templar in France) retracts his confession of herasy before being burned at the stake

March 17: Festival of Astarte in Canaan. Roman 'Liberalia' womens festival of freedom. Eleanor Shaw and Mary Phillips executed in England for bewitching a woman and her two children 1705

March 18: Sheelah's Day Irish time to honour Sheelah-Na-Gig the goddess of fertility. Jacques de Molay retracts his confession in public 1314

March 19: Elizabethan statute against witchcraft enacted 1563

March 19-23: Greek 'Lesser Panathenaea' Honouring Athene

March 20: Egyptian Spring harvest festival honouring Isis

March 21: Spring Equinox Festival of Kore (Demeter in Greece)

March 22-27: Greek 'Hilaria' Festivals to honour Cybele

March 23: Roman 'Quinquatria' Birthday of Athena/Minerva

March 24: Arrest of Florence Newton, one of the few witches to be burned in Ireland 1661

March 28: Scott Cunningham dies 1993

March 29: Greek 'Delphinia of Artemis'. Tibetan time for expulsion of the demons of bad luck

March 30: 'Feast of Eostre' German goddess of Spring and rebirth

March 31: Roman 'Festival of Luna' in honour of the moon goddess. Last witch trial in Ireland at Magee Island 1711

Correspondences for March

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