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Bran was lured to the land of Women, a paradise (The Otherworld). While sailing, Manannan (the sea god) turned the sea into a flowery plain, the fish into flocks and the salmon into calves.

When they reached the Islandthe men were taken to a great hall where there was 'a bed and a wife for every man' and endless supplies of food. the island was inhabited only by beautiful women.

After a year Bran and his men returned to Ireland. when they neared the shore, Bran shouted out 'I am Bran, son of Febal', but the people did not kow him, only an ancient story of someone with his name.

One of the men leapt to the shore and immediately turned to dust. 100 years had passed since they had left Ireland, not 1. They shouted their stories to the people on the shore and sailed away again. Nothing is known of their story after that time.

The Welsh have different stories of Bran. The Mabinogion states that Bran was killed, during a holocaust, by receiving a poisoned dart in the foot, before he died he ordered the 7 Welsh survivors to cut off his head and bury it at the white Mount in London (where the White Tower now stands), facing France. While the head is concealed, it is believed that no misfortune will cross the sea to Britain.

FYI: Another belief regarding the White Tower is that The tower (a symbol of Breitain itself) will fall should the ravens (sacred birds to the Celts) ever leave.

Adapted from 'A guide to the Gods' by Richard Carlyon

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