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The Morrigan

Forerunner of the arthurian Morgan Le Fay, the Morrigan was a hag like creature with a demonic laugh. She is both an individual and a triad of war goddesses.

She appears as a hag, a crow or a seductive maiden. She lusted after the hero Cuchulainn and, after his rejection of her, this lust turned to hatred. she attacked him under many guises including an eel, a wolf and a heifer. Cuchulainn was also fighting mortal enemies at the time and was severely injured, he still managed to harm the Morrigan however. Later he came across a hag milking a cow and begged a drink in return for his blessing. The hag agreed and he discovered too late that she was the Morrigan, and he had healed her wounds with his blessing.

Adapted from 'A guide to the Gods' by Richard Carlyon

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