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'Lord Yama King' decides where the new arrivals to Hell should go, either to a special court, to be punished, or straight to rebirth.

'Lord Yama King' presides over the first of ten courts, the second court was concerned with dishonest agents and bungling doctors, the third court: forgers, rumour mongers, liars and corrupt administrators, the fourth court: misers, blasphemers and dishonest shopkeepers and merchants, the fifth court: murderers, atheists and erotomaniacs, the sixth court: all sacreligious men, the seventh court: grave robbers, slave traders, slave owners and cannibals, the eighth court: those who have disrespected their parents, the tenth court: the Wheel of Transmigration (rebirth).

Each of these courts is presided over by a different Yama King, although they are all dressed the same and look so alike that only the experienced could ever tell them apart.


Adapted from 'A guide to the Gods' by Richard Carlyon

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