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Osiris was born at Thebes, the son of Geb and Nut.

He (with the aid of his wife Isis) taught the Egyptians the arts and crafts of civilization. He started the idea of religion and built temples, composed rituals and carved statues.

He taught his people to use grain and to weave and make music.

Set invited Osiris (his brother) to a great feast and brought a huge decorated coffer into the hall. He pronounced that whoever fitted the coffer could have it. Osiris was allowedf to try first and, as soon as he got into it, the lid was slammed down and sealed with molten lead. It was then thrown into the Nile.

It finally came to rest at Byblos in Phoenicia amongst the roots of a tamarisk tree. The tree grew to a huge size around the box, enclosing it entirely. It grew to such a size that the king 'Malcandre' cut it down and used it as a column in his palace.

Isis went to Byblos in disguise and Astarte (the queen) allowed her to look after her child. Isis decided to give the child immortality and set about burning off it's mortal being. Astarte mistook the flames and stopped the spell.

Then Isis revealed her true identity and King Malcandre allowed her to take the coffer. She hid in the swamplands of Buto and revived the body of Osiris long enough for her to become pregnant.

Set was enraged however and cut the body into fourteen parts which he then scattered about the land.

Isis searched and found all the peices apart from the phallus, which was eaten by a Nile crab. She embalmed the body and Osiris was revived to eternal life. He then retired to the Underworld.


Adapted from 'A guide to the Gods' by Richard Carlyon

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