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Erzulie loves the best of everything. She is dressed with a painstaking emphasis on detail. She is rich and luxurious. She is indecisive, fickle and demanding.

She is also generosity itself. Giving out gifts, affections and even her body. She is sexualy involved with all three of the major Voodoo gods, Damballah, Agwe and Ogoun, although her lavishness comes from true love, not promiscuity. She is fun loving, frivoulous and flirtatious.

Erzulie can suddenly be plunged into sorrow however as she is concious of betrayal. She yearns for perfection which is unattainable. She is a link with the sublime, raising men to wonderful heights and bringing the gods down to meet mankind.

Adapted from 'A guide to the Gods' by Richard Carlyon

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