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Indian Deities

Aditi - Hindu goddess of the sky, the past and the future

Agastya - Hindu protector of the god Rama (son of Varuna and Urvasi)

Agni - Hindu god of fire

Angiris - Hindu angels who preside over sacrifice

Ardhanarisvara - Hindu composite deity made up of Siva and Siva's female power (shakati)

Asparas - Hindu heavenly, lascivious nymphs

Asuras - Hindu tian-like demonic wizards. Evil spirits who are the enemy of the Devas (gods)

Asvins (Nasatyas) - Hindu gods of healing

Atri - Hindu son of Brahma

Bali - A Hindu demon

Bhrigus - Hindu storm gods who communicate between heaven and earth

Bhutas - Hindu ghosts/goblins that haunt cemetaries

Boddhisattvas - Buddhist gods

Brahma - Father of gods and men, creator of the universe. First god in the supreme Hindu triad: Brahma, Vishnu, Siva

Brihaspati - Hindu teacher and chaplain of the gods

Buddha - 'The Divine teacher' an incarnation of Vishnu

Daksha - One of the Hindu lords of creation

Devas - Hindu gods

Durga - Hindu aspect of Jaganmatri (the Divine Mother) wife of the god Siva, part of the triad of goddesses which includes Ums and Parvati

Gandharvas - Hindu gods of the air

Ganga - Hindu goddess of purification of the river Ganges

Hanuman - Hindu King of the Monkeys

Hari Hara - Hindu composite deity made up of Vishnu and Siva

Indra - Hindu god of war and fertility

Jaganmatri - Hindu 'World-Mother' 'Durga'

Jalandhara - A Hindu Asura (demon)

Kali (Kali Ma) - The 'black mother' Hindu goddess of nature (ogress wife of Siva)

Karttikeya - Hindu god of war

Krishna - Incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu

Kuvera (Kubera) - Hindu god of wealth

Lakshmi - Hindu goddess of love and beauty

Manasa-Devi - Hindu serpent goddess who upheld the sleeping Vishnu in the primal waters

Maruts - Hindu storm and air gods

Mitra - Hindu counterpart of the Persian and Roman sun god Mithras

Nagas - Hindu race of evil snakes that reside in the underworld (Patala)

Parvati - Hindu mother goddess (wife of Siva)

Pisakas - Evil Hindu deities

Prajapati - Hindu lord of creation

Prisni - Hindu goddess of the earth and darkness, mother of the Maruts

Puchan - Hindu god of meeting

Purusha - Hindu mystic dwarf god

Rakshasas - Hindu evil spirits

Raktavija - Hindu giant general of the demon army

Rama - Hindu hero god and incarnation of Vishnu

Ravana - Hindu demon king of the Rakshasas (fallen angel)

Rhibus - Hindu craft gods

Rudra - Hindu ancient Vedic god of the dead and prince of demons, the original of Siva

Saranyu - Hindu goddess of clouds. Mother of the kindly Nasatyas (See Asvins)

Sati - Hindu 'good wife' The focus of all the mant nameless mother goddesses

Savitri (Savitar)- A Hindu king of heaven and god of active power

Sita - 'The Furrow' faithful wif of Rama

Siva (Shiva) - God of the cosmic dance. One of the Hindu triad along with Brahma and Vishnu

Soma - Hindu moon god

Surya - Hindu sun god

Tara - Hindu goddess, wife of Brihaspati

Tvashtar (Tvashtri) - Hindu god who gives life to all things

Uma (Parati, Durga among others) - Hindu corn and mother goddess

Urvasi - Hindu goddess of success in love affairs

Ushas - Hindu goddess of the dawn

Varuna - Hindu god of cosmic law and order (linked with mitra)

Vishnu - Hindu god of love

Visvakarma - Hindu divine artificer, craftsman and smith

Yaksha and Yakshi - Fiendish attendants of Kuvera

Yama - Hindu god of the dead


Adapted from 'A guide to the gods' by Richard Carlyon

I recommend this book for much much more information on these and other deities

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