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Bali conquered Heaven and earth and reigned over them as king. He was approached by a dwarf who humbly asked for just three steps of land to call his own.

Bali agreed and the dwarf (Vishnu in disguise) grew to immense proprtions and stepped over the entire universe in just two steps.

With his third step, Vishnu put his foot on Bali's throat and forced him down to the Underworld for eternity.

Bali was later killed by the god Indra in battle. When he was slain a flood of gem stones flowed from his mouth instead of blood. Indra threw a thunderbolt at his body and his flesh became crystal, his bones diamonds, his blood rubies, his eyes sapphires, his marrow emeralds and his teeth pearls.

Adapted from 'A guide to the Gods' by Richard Carlyon

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