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The Bhrigus descended from Bhrigu, a wise man. He fell in love with a woman named Puloma who was betrothed to a demon. Bhrigu secretly wooed and married Puloma and hid her away.

The demon, angered, went to Agni and asked where Puloma was hidden. Agni told him and the demon found and recovered her.

Bhrigu was angry when he found out and cursed Agni who said that he had only spoken the truth and that, keeping to the words of the curse, he must eat up everything on earth.

Bhrigu immediately changed the curse saying that everything that went into the flame of Agni would be purified.

Bhrigu once tried to discover which of the gods Brahma, Siva or Vishnu was most worthy of worship and honour. He was rude to each of them, Brahma reprimanded him and forgave him, Siva was furious and had to be soothed with flattery and apologies. He found Vishnu sleeping and woke him with a kick, Vishnu's only concern was that Bhrigu may have hurt his foot. He even fussed and massaged the foot and Bhrigu decided that it was Vishnu who was most worthy of worship and honour.

Adapted from 'A guide to the Gods' by Richard Carlyon

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