Middlesborough History

Colson Saloon

The Palace Saloon

The Manring Theater & Company

The Manring Theater

Downtown Scene

Downtown Scene

Elk's Home

Smith Drugs

A.D. Campbell 1889

The Middlesborough

The Middlesborough & Trolley

Black Diamond Mines

Yellow Creek Tipple

Middlesborough Steam Laundry

Five Way Bridges

Five Way Bridges

Five Way Bridges

The American Association Building

Hotel Cumberland

Hotel Cumberland

Hotel Cumberland

Hotel Cumberland

Hotel Cumberland

H.F. & G. Campbell 1890's

T.H. Campbell & Brothers

City Hall

Coal and Iron Works Building

Early Downtown

Downtown 18th Street

Downtown 1910

Downtown from Booneway

Peace Store

Downtown 1912

Downtown 1912

Downtown 1912

Downtown 1912

Downtown 1912

Downtown 1912

Downtown 1914

Downtown 1914


Downtown 1913

Downtown Taken From 21st Street

Downtown Taken From Lake Hill

Downtown View From Edgewood Road

Downtown from Edgewood road

1915 from Rail Bridge

1915 From East End Looking West

1910 Scene

Fire Department 1912

Watts Iron Furnace

Iron Furnace

Iron Furnace Dismantled

Gibson Brothers


Star Whiskey Letterhead

Elks Building

Elks Building

Elks Building

Elks Building

Fire Department

Fire Department

Fountain Square

Fountain Square

Fountain Square

Fountain Square

Fountain Square Convention

Fountain Square Convention

Lee's Drugs

Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library

Manring Interior

Group of Men in Middlesborough

Downtown 1910

Flood Control Canal

Post Office

Post Office

Post Office

Shultz Drugs

Smith's Drugs

20th & Cumberland

AA Building

Ralston Home

Middlesborough Women at Station

Group of Men Not Named

View from Edgewood Road

Iron Furnace and Train Switch

W.J. Callison Homeplace

Houses on 22nd Street

Manring Information

Mayor & Company

Brownie Theater

Union Station Depot

1917 Bell County Doctors Medical Society Program

1917 Bell County Doctors Medical Society Program


Written by Chuck Owens

Copyright 2010 Middlesboro, Kentucky 40965

Since 10 January 2010