The Cumberland Gap Broadcasting Company

Middlesborough History
Lige Yeary's Binghamtown Collection

The Yeary photographs on this page are copyrighted, 2010 Middlesboro, Kentucky 40965. Fair use copyright laws apply to all others on the page.

Lige Yeary's Photograph of a True 1950's Middlesboro Landmark: Greene's Pottery.

Taken in Front of Future Studio of WMIK Radio Station 1947

Taken in Front of Future Studio of WMIK Radio Station 1947

Panoramic View of Binghamtown Community Taken At Future Studio of WMIK Radio Station 1947

Panoramic View of Binghamtown Community Taken At Future Studio of WMIK Radio Station 1947

Panoramic View of Binghamtown Community Taken At Future Studio of WMIK Radio Station 1947

Panoramic View of Binghamtown Community Taken At Future Studio of WMIK Radio Station 1947

Flood Waters Near WMIK Studios 1952

Flood Waters in Binghamtown

Red Oak Church

Swimming Near Red Oak Church

Swimming Near Red Oak Church: That's Don Long on the Right

Swimming Near Red Oak Church

Baptising Behind Binghamtown School

Baptising Behind Binghamtown School

Baptising Behind Binghamtown School

Baptising Behind Binghamtown School

Baptising Behind Binghamtown School

Baptising Behind Binghamtown School

Baptising Behind Binghamtown School

Baptising Behind Binghamtown School

Binghamtown Area Postcard

Old Binghamtown Church

Bellwood Road 1949 From Ball's Swimming Pool

Bellwood Road Towards Binghamtown

Lige Yeary at the Cane Mill on John Yeary's Farm 1930's

From John Yeary Farm Towards the Gap

From Yeary's Farm Towards the Gap

John & Matilda Yeary Home 25th Street Extension

John Yeary Farm Towards the Gap 1948

Old Binghamtown Baptist Church

Old Binghamtown Baptist Church

Old Binghamtown Baptist Church

Old Binghamtown Baptist Church

Old Binghamtown Baptist Church

Old Binghamtown Baptist Church

Old Binghamtown Baptist Church

Old Binghamtown Baptist Church

New Binghamtown Baptist Church

New Binghamtown Baptist Church

50th Wedding Anniversary of Johnny & Vandalee Tuttle at Charlie & Gracie Owens' Across from Binghamtown Baptist Church 1956

Here is an almost complete list of those in the photo.

On the porch: unknown, Ruby Maxwell, Vacie Hubble, unknown, Verda Cook Jackson Byrd, Matie Cawood, unknown, unknown, Preacher Bingham, Harry Ely and Mary Ely

Second row starting with Charlie Owens on step: Charlie Owens, Gracie Shoffner Owens, Barbara Owens Turner holding baby Sally, Mae Bingham,

Lower steps and ground: Ed Owens holding baby Chuck, Lois Irwin Owens, Florida Vandalee Goins Shoffner Tuttle, Opal Summers Tuttle, Nettie Tuttle Owens, Johnny Tuttle, Tom Bull and Delia Bull

Sidewalk children: Brenda Kaye Tuttle, Gary Bingham, Eddie Turner, Bonita Bingham, Jackie Turner

Binghamtown Baptist Softball Team 1960

Scene from 1961 Binghamtown Film by Lige Yeary

Scene from 1961 Binghamtown Film by Lige Yeary

Scene from 1961 Binghamtown Film by Lige Yeary

Scene from 1961 Binghamtown Film by Lige Yeary

Scene from 1961 Binghamtown Film by Lige Yeary

Front of Yeary Home Towards Binghamtown

Middlesboro Tanning Company

Middlesboro Tanning Company Workers

Tannery Football Field

Tannery Strike: Date Unknown

Meldrum, Kentucky Party 1951


Written by Chuck Owens

Copyright 2010 Middlesboro, Kentucky 40965

Since 10 January 2010