Friend Pages

*~*iNsIdE jOkEs~*~
Walnut's Fanpage!
Pics for Brit
Abbey's Page
Nathan's Page
Colleen's Page
Natalie's Page
Sarah's Page
Megan's Page

here's the friend page. u can see our inside jokes (lol to ne1 who actually understands em, lol AT ne1 who doesnt!) walnut's fanpage is sorta an inside joke but i already had it made separate and its fun so its spay-shal and gets its own link! newho and brit's page is a bunch of pics taken for her for when she was moving...but she's back!! aaah! lol jk luv u brit but newho so that's kinda a friend thing so im keepin it addin up more stuff so keep checkin this part out!
