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Angel In Heaven

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:: Angel In Heaven ::

Here is dad, after one of his many surgeries.

This picture was taken after dad had a Hernia operation.

Some years later, but still a gorgeous couple.

This was took when dad was on dialysis, but it was one of the good days he was having.

My Mother.

Here is, I believe, the most beautiful woman in the world.

This essay is very special to all of us, it was written by my 8 year old son, mom and dad's oldest grandchild.
All my Grandparents are special but one was very special. It was my papaw Wayne, my Mom's dad. He had problems with his heart, he had to go to the clinic. Sometimes me, him, and my mamaw would go to Ponderosa. Sometimes he would come over to my trailer and pick me and by brother up to go eat ice cream. Sometimes I would go stay all night with him on the weekends. Every time I came back from school he would allways have something for me. He was very special because I only had him for a short time. He pasted away April 15, 1996. He pasted away in Kings Daughters Hospital. My parents allowed me to come to say my good byes. I will allways remember him.

Wrote by Charles Wayne and was pesented 1st place blue ribbon on September 5, 1997. GRANDPARENTS DAY ESSAY CONTEST WINNER
