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:: Angel In Heaven ::
On this page I would like to talk about an illness that affects millions of people. It is called Renal Failure. There are different types of Renal (kidney) Failure. But it all comes down to one thing, loss of kidney function. This page has been about my father, and I wanted the world to know how special he was. But most importantly I want the world to know what a person goes through that has went into Renal Failure. It is very heartbreaking. Renal Patients can lead a normal life, but this illnes really takes a toll on their bodies.
Here are questions and answers that I found on the internet about Renal Failure:
Q. How do healthy kidneys work?
A. Healthy kidneys clean the blood by taking away extra water and wastes. The kidneys turn the extra water and waste into urine. Kidneys also make hormones that keep your bones strong and your blood healthy. They keep a stable balance of salts and other substances in your blood.
Q. What happens when my kidneys stop working?
A. When both your kidneys stop working, your body holds fluids, your blood pressure goes up, and harmful wastes build up in your body. Also, your body does not make enough red blood cells. This is known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD). ESRD is the final stage of the slow worsening of the kidneys. More than 50,000 people have ESRD each year in the United States.
Q. What is the treatment for end-stage renal disease (ESRD)?
A. The two main treatments for ESRD are dialysis and kidney transplantation. Dialysis uses a machine or special tubes to clean your blood. Kidney transplantation means that you get a healthy kidney from a donor or relative put into your body to replace your kidneys that are not working.
Q. What are the signs of kidney failure?
A. Symptoms related to kidney failure usually occur only in late stages of the disease, when kidney function has diminished to less than 25 percent of normal capacity. For many years before that point, kidney disease of diabetes exists as a silent process. The signs that your kidney disease may be getting worse includes a need to urinate more or less than you usually do. You may lose your appetite or feel sick to your stomach and need to throw up. Your hands and feet may swell or feel numb. You may get sleepy or have trouble concentrating. Your skin may get darker. You may have muscle cramps.
Here are some very good Links also:
National Kidney Foundation.
American Kidney Fund.
American Red Cross.
