On the Web
Asheville -- Congregation Beth Ha Tephila (reform)
Asheville -- Beth Israel (conservative)
Cary-- Beth Shalom (reform)
Charlotte-- Temple Beth El (reform)
Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte
Charlotte-- Temple Israel (conservative)
Chapel Hill Kehillah (reconstructionist)
Durham -- Judea Reform Congregation (reform)
Durham -- Beth Congregation (conservative)
Durham-Chapel Hill Jewish Federation
Gastonia -- Temple Emanuel (reform)
Greensboro-- Beth David Synagogue (conservative)
Greensville -- Bayt Shalom (conservative)
New Bern -- Temple B'nai Shalom (reform)
Raleigh -- Temple Beth Meyer (convservative)
Congregation Shar' arei Israel (orthodox/chabad)
Statesville-- Congregation Emanuel (conservative)
Winston Salem -- Temple Emanuel (reform)
PAGE 2 --Links to cities with Jewish communities
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