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Windy Hollow Mini’s

By Christy & Ron Frey

How ironic that we are writing a featured farm article and we live on only an acre. But on this acre we have 4 miniature horses, approximately 150 rabbits, many cats and a parrot. We are located south of Owensboro, KY in Moseleyville. The name Windy Hollow Mini’s came from the hollow that is across the road and over the hill from our house.

In the mid to late 1980’s, we had miniature horses mostly for parades. We decided to start showing rabbits in the early 1990’s. That is when we sold the horses. At that time we didn’t have time for the caretaking and grooming of both miniature horses and rabbits.

In 1999, we decided to remodel our barn, so we could stall the horses. We decided we could manage our time and take care of both the miniature horses and rabbits. In order to go to parades, miniature horse shows and rabbit shows, we knew we would have to compromise.

As uncommon as this may seem our miniature horses are four stallions. We have three red duns that are 5 years old and a black and white that is 2 years old. The three red dun’s names are Tom, Ben and Jerry. The black and white’s name is Appy. Everyday is an adventure with these four boys. They are always finding mischief to get into. Whether it is getting into the bales of hay or undoing the latch on their stall.

Someday we hope to have the red duns working as some type of three horse hitch. We have already had our first experience in showing . We showed Appy in some halter classes at the Kentucky State Fair. The show bug bit us! We are looking forward to the show and parade season next year.

We are pleased to be apart of the Four Corners Miniature Horse Society. We get to see old friends and we have made many new friends through this club.