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Featured Mini Horse Farm

By: Mike and Delores Moseley

Moseley’s Mini Farm:

We started Moseley’s Mini Farm in the spring of 1990...Delores wanted a pot bellied pig for the house. Then we got pygmy goats and had a barn built and bought 5 acres that joined their yard.

Next Delores seen mini horses on TV in 1991, so in September ‘91 we bought a 5 month old filly and colt. Then we wanted a team and wagon, but we purchased a miniature stagecoach in Eastern Tennessee. Then a co-worker of Delores’s said his father-in-law had just what we needed, so we went to look at the wagon and came home with the wagon and team of minis and we have been in a lot of parades.

We went to Florida to visit Delores’s mom and to look at minis. We bought 3 horses, 2 mares and 1 stud. Then we had to buy a horse trailer to bring them home in, so we never go looking at horses without the trailer...we play it safe!

In 1996 we decided we were going to sell all the horses, so we went to Ty Sutherland’s in Indiana to an auction, but when we came home we bought some more horses and the thought was over. It kind of gets in your blood. Delores even bought a 5 week old colt named Dudley. We enjoy our minis and met so many new friends. We love you all.