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Rottweilers: A Very Special Breed

     Welcome to the new HOME Page for Rottweilers A Very Special Breed. I hope those of you who have visited before will like the new look and the faster load time! All the original pages are still here; I just renamed the old start page to Rottweilers. Some of you have requested that I add more pics of "the pack" and so I have. Please continue to check back as I update this site occassionally.

     Thanks for visiting and before you leave please be sure to check out the neat dog related items at:

     Coming soon: The Story of Storm!

W A R N I N G ! ! !

     Some photos on this site are graphic.

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     In all my pages I have tried to give credit where credit is due, however, I am human and if I have used some of your work and have not given you the proper credit for it (or linked to your site if it is required) please email me and I will correct the problem!