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The Last Will and Testament of John G. Fletcher of Lee County

Chancery Order Book 2:177-178 30 July 1885 Lee County Virginia

John Bartley & Wife Pltff | in Chancery

vs |

George R. Fletcher & Wife et als Defts |

This cause on this day again to be heard upon the papers formerly read,and the report

of commissioner Eli Davis, Thomas Moore and Stephen Thompson filed January 18, 1881

and was argued by counsel. On consideration whereof, and for reasons appearing to the

cause, the said report being unexcepted to, is confirmed, and the said partition made

final. And it is decreed that each of the parties take and hold the said lot or parcel of land

assigned to each, as therein set forth by metes and bounds. That Mary Fletcher take and

hold as and, for her dower, the lands described by said report and accompanying plot.

That Ellen Fletcher take and hold in fee, lot No. 1, by the metes and bounds mentioned in

said report and plot, and that each of the following persons hold alike lots assigned to

them. That is, Jane Bartley, wife of John Bartley, the Pltff. have and hold in fee lot No. 2.

that Jasper M. Harrell, James H. Harrell, Holbort Taylor Harrell, Wm. F. Harrell, Selina

Harrell, John M. Harrell, & Lovey Harrell the children and heirs at law of Lovey Harrell,

deceased, take and hold lot No. 3. That Minerva J. Welsh, Evaline Welsh, Mary Welsh,

Catherine Welsh, __?__ Welsh, & Robert Welsh, children and heirs at law of Frances

Welsh, deceased, take and hold lot No. 4 . That Elizabeth Wolfenbarger take and hold lot

No. 5. That Sarah Fletcher take and hold lot No. 6. And that Patsy Welsh take and hold lot

No. 7. That Susan King take and hold lot No. 6 & 15th. That James B. Fletcher take and

hold lot No. 9. That Willoughby R. Fletcher take and hold lot No. 10. That Jesse Fletcher

take and hold lot No. 11. That George R. Fletcher take and hold lot No. 12. That John

Fletcher take and hold lot No. 13, and that David Fletcher take and hold lot No. 14. Said

lots to be held by each in fee, free from the claims of each other, by limits and bounds set

out in said plot and report as shows the said lots and boundaries thereof together with

this decree in the book kept by him for the recordation of deeds. And the Court doth

decree that the plaintiff and defendants pay each 1/4 of the cost of this suit, to be taxed

by the clerk, and the Pltff, may have execution against the defendants for the gross sum

due from all the defendants, and that each defendant pays his due proportion thereof, the

same shall be credited thereon. And no further action being necessary, the cause is

stricken from the docket.