I became a "Big Sister" on 7/26/01, please visit her page, it has pictures Miranda's Museum
Hi, my name is Kayleah Blake Fontenot. My mommy said she created this web site just for me. She said she would like to share the story of my birth with you, which she says was a little unusual, although I dont quite understand why yet. Everyone keeps saying that I am a "Miracle" because I was born October 6, 1998 a whole FOUR months early. Mommy says it was because I couldn't wait to be here with my wonderful family and I think she may be right! I was born premature because of a medical condition my mommy has called Incompetent Cervix. She was in the hospital for 2 days trying to keep me in so I could grow and get strong, but I was stubborn and was delivered by emergency C-section, weighing 1 lb 2.1 oz. At that time my bones and skin were too fragile for them to actually measure my length, but they estimated I was about 11 inches long. I stayed in the hospital for 4 months and came home on January 27, 1999, exactly one week before my due date. I had several surgeries, infections and ups and downs. You can read more about them by clicking on my picture below. This was my very first picture, about 20 min after I was born even before my mommy got to see me! I hope you enjoy my story and pictures. Please come back often, my mommy says she will update my very own web site often, so you can watch me grow!!!
Click my picture for my NICU story
This button Used on NICU Pages is My Actual Footprint (Minimized of course, But just a TINY bit)
Two Special MUST read Stories
An all too familiar story for families of Preemies
How Moms of Preemies are chosen
My Latest Picture!!!
Mommy will try to update this picture every month!!
Mommy's Favorite Preemie Sites
Preemie - I Photo Gallery (I am featured here)
Preemie - I Discussion Forum For Parents of Preemies - Introduction AAPI - American Association for Premature Infants Tiny Treasures (Stories and Pics of fellow preemies, I am featured here) Imagine - Stories and thoughts of other Preemie Parents