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Award Recipients

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Web Star and Gallery Awards

Gallery Awards

Copy any of these four Gallery Awards to your computer.  Link to Eve's Graphics Gallery when you place the award on your web page.  See Help for copying and linking.

Lovely Site Award 1

Lovely Site Award 2

Sunbeam Site Award

Friendly Site Award

Web Star Awards

All but two of the Web Star Awards have "open" titles.  A title can be added for any web site category.  Just apply by email and either tell me the award title you seek or ask me to decide on the title when I visit your site!
Here are some Examples:

Artistry Award

Beauty Award

Christian Spirit Award

Commercial Award

Design Award

Dog Breeder Award

National Heritage Award

Precious Pets Award

Photography Award

Poetry Award

Superior Site Award

Awards Criteria

While there is no formal grading of web sites, there are criteria to be met to receive a Web Star Award:

1.    An application is received by email that contains the correct* name and address of the web site, the net name and email address of the webmaster, and the title of any new award.

*I have received web site addresses I could not get to in email that I could not reply to.  Perhaps someone was playing a prank, but if you email me and get no reply, please email me again.

2.    The site contains at least ten (10) pages.

3.    There are excellent graphics and/or photographs.

4.    There is an evident theme or reason for being.

5.    Errors in grammer or spelling are not distracting or detrimental to the purposes of the site.

6.    There is a guestbook or an email link for visitors to communicate with the webmaster.

7.    There is a navigation design to move easily from one page to another.

8.    The site appears permanent.

9.   Links are up-to-date.

10.  The content is excellent and the web site is truly a Web Star.

I reserve the right to determine merit criteria for Web Star Awards; to judge whether or not criteria has been met; to change the criteria for unusual and superior web sites; and to award meritorious sites without an application being made.  No award will be given to porno or hateful sites.  No new award will be made for a category title that I believe is a joke or is not a reasonable, standard category.

I love to visit personal web pages.  The hard work and creativity seen on personal web sites are very admirable and inspiring.  So, choose the Web Star Award you like best and email Eve's Graphics Gallery now.

Happy page-building, Eve