Written by Eman8tions
We are more than connected, we are integral to
each other, part of the web of life together.
This is the most important thing about us.
It is our love.
No man or woman is an island.
We are, in fact, the ocean and the island.
We are surrounding ourselves and each other.
This is the first casualty of consciousness,
when we forget that we are all of the same soul and begin to perceive ourselves and others selfishly instead of selflessly.
Wisdom and love speak softly, caringly, connectedly. Our stories are our paths to each other. In the hearing and telling we become conscious of being one. In the center of being is the story God is telling. Others hear the same story from another perspective.
How joyful to discover that.
Eman8tions is written by John MacEnulty. He is also a master of the Native American Flute. To visit his web site please click on this EMAN8TIONS LINK.