Hello..thanks for visiting my friendship quilt
If you'd like to add to the quilt, please do so!
Just right click on the empty sqaure/save as is
Add your decors, email it to me~Bonita~Along with your your URL to your site
Please do not change the color of the square
Nor the size 150 by 150It will offset the quilt
That's all it is to it! Thanks~
Because of great response, I have made a3rd Friendship Quilt! click below
To get back to the 1st one ~My Special Friendship Quilt 1~
~My Special Friendship Quilt 2~
~My Special Friendship Quilt 4~
~My Special Friendship Quilt 5~
For fasting loading time for you!
~My Special Friends Index~
Background & Page design by:Bonita*ladeebon*2002