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You have discovered a secret door into a very private chamber. I wish that you had not found your way into this room. Before us is a portrait of my beloved wife,
The Lady Bryna Von Murovich
Alas, she was taken away from me centuries ago, murdered by a man who I once believed to be my friend.

She was my love, my very heart and soul. When she died, the light within me was extinguished forever, and now I embrace the darkness.

As I wander the lonely halls of the castle in this life that is not life, I am tormented by the realization that I am seperated from my beloved for eternity.

Images and Content copyright by Legault the Vampire 1999-2009

and should not be copied or duplicated without permission.

Disclaimer: Many gifs and background images on this site were not created by the owner of Legault's Castle of Horror. They were obtained from various sources on the internet that labeled them as "freely distributable". If you should discover images on any of my web pages which you recognize as copyrighted, please email me immediately so that they may be removed.