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Welcome friend. We are
From left to right we are
Lord Stonesoul,
Lady Litara
and Devilynn Darqunys

Like our friend Legault, we are also Vampires. But fear not, for we have already fed.

We have known Legault for some time now, for as you know, we Vampires are immortal. It all began in a quaint little coffee shop in Old Town. We were already an established society. The night was dark and gloomy and the rain was pouring, flooding the streets outside. The door opened and in walked a tall, pale man with a cane. At once we recognized him as one of us. Legault asked if he could join us at our table and from that evening we have been good friends, forming our own coven,
the Coven de Gothique. Together we have had many harrowing adventures. Hated and despised by the mundane world, we walk in the shadows.

Our journey has not been an easy one. Danger lurks around every turn. Afraid are you? You should be! You have entered a world quite unlike your own. Here, the sun's light never penetrates the darkness. Cheer and goodwill are unknown. This is no place for the faint of heart.

Light a candle and prepare for a journey you shall never forget!

Images and Content copyright by Legault the Vampire 1999-2009

and should not be copied or duplicated without permission.

Disclaimer: Many gifs and background images on this site were not created by the owner of Legault's Castle of Horror. They were obtained from various sources on the internet that labeled them as "freely distributable". If you should discover images on any of my web pages which you recognize as copyrighted, please email me immediately so that they may be removed.