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Heartfelt Thanks


First of all, all the credit is due to Jesus Christ, my Lord. If it were not for Him, I could have never written my story. The poems I write are all inspired by Him alone. His grace is sufficient for me. It is my prayer that all of the glory and credit will be directed to HIM alone.
I have to thank my husband for standing by since that first day we were married in 1989. He has been with me when I had no hope, when I was the most bitter person in the world, and he has never stopped loving me. There has never been a time I ever doubted his love. He constantly strives to date me even after all these years. It is our prayer that we will love each other more every day! I love you, honey!
My husband’s family has been such an inspiration to me. They have loved me from day one unconditionally and there are no “in-laws” when it comes to them...they are simply “Mom and Dad.” I love you all!
First Baptist Church in Danville, Ky. It was through you I first saw the body of Christ and His love for me! I'll never forget you! May God bless each one of you!
My church, Highview Baptist Church, in Louisville, Ky. What a church on fire for the Lord! It is only through the staff and their ministry, especially to women that I have been able to see the kind of woman that God intends for me to be. It is also through the Sunday school class that has become my best friends and family. It is truly amazing to be a part of this family of God. It is my prayer that my family will always contribute to service here for the Lord Jesus.
Some of my closest Godly friends and some who have become my mentors, probably who don’t even realize just what an impact they have had on my walk with the Lord. I am so thankful for friends who reach out, who love with no expectation of anything in return, and who have shown to me what true friendship is all about and how to model it.
As time has gone by since I even began this memorial site, those I have to acknowledge today in helping me to grow and be all the Lord desires for me are: Melisa, Mary, Kim, Vickie, Missy, Diane, my Ladies Bible study small groups... you have become like my family! I learn so much from you! God bless you!, Lynette (the Lord speaks through you to me all the time!), Janna(thank you for sharing your story with are such an inspiration to me.), Stacey W. (thank you for your example as a small group leader when I first began doing Bible studies.) Ladies like Beth Moore, Anne Graham Lotz, and Kay Arthur whose Divine inspired Bible studies have caused me to grow in leaps and bounds. I don’t even know you, but the Lord will reward your faithfulness! Thank you for your obedience to Him!
I cannot help but feel blessed by ALL of you! It is because of each one of you and the parts that you have played in my life that I have not drowned in my sorrow, and I have seen the body of Christ, but it is only through Jesus that I am free!