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Here's another interesting local project, with some not so local goals. Go to Stand Aside records for a frothy good time.


Here's a message board set up by some locals, so sit back and enjoy the shitfest that is VivaLoco Lexsceneton

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Well, well fuckers. We're gunna do some recording in the near future. As far as releasing this project, no real plans have been made, but there will definitely be sound files to download that are far superior to the DIY garbage we have right now. Oh well, once again, I will shamelessly plug my home boys web site. The beautifully rendered gif below is your ticket to the vastly ponderous world of Eugene. Click and see the greatness that rendered the mortals of the planet earth stupid with its might and mayhem.

Well there is a lot of stimulants running through my system at the moment, so I run the risk of babbling incessantly, but I will refrain from such. Not that anyone reads this, but hey, why not show some courtesy. Look out for Losing Face in Paris KY (I think) in June. I'll post more info on that show when the information is cleared up. Hopefully we'll play a show before then, but you never know. We'll just have to see what happens.





Comments? Questions? Who gives a fuck?

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Losing Face 2001.

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Give the gift of caring with Losing Face greeting cards, specially designed to reach out and piss on someone.


Got anything remotely interesting to say or announce? I didn't think so. Say it anyway on our message board