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    18th of March 2001

    Imagine you're musican. That everything you breathe, thirst and hunger is music. Its your every passion and your only desire. Its your soul. You compose, sing, play and listen. This is what makes you happy.

    Imagine you're painter. All that you see is a memory, a picture to be captured in all its beauty through your hands. Colours, shades, strokes and shapes. This is your passion this is what makes you happy

    Imagine you're a father or mother with a tiny child. This child is your life, you want to share everthing with this tiny body hoping that they'll become pieces of you. You want to play it orchestras and paint it worlds of fantasy.

    What do you do musican? You're child is deaf. It wont even hear you call its name. Not even once. What do you painter? You're child is blind. It wont even see your face. Not even once.

    *********************Rules of Life ********************
    #Life is like playing a game sometimes you're going to land snake eyes, sometimes a double six.
    #Hope like a child, Feel the pain of an adult and be as wise as an elder.
    *Caffeine addictions will help you survive long nights and stressful schedules.
    #*There are 5 people in this world or more that love you. There are two that love you so much they would die for you
    #Believe you're immortal and live like you'll die tomorrow
    #Smile not knowing how to cry. Cry knowing Happiness does not exist without sorrow.
    *No matter what always carry spare toliet paper you never know when you're going to need it.
    #*Every night someone thinks about you before they go to sleep
    #Remember you can never sell your soul, only your body.
    #That your dreams of yesterday will today become your reality and tomorrow the memories of your past.
    *Gum is tons better in your mouth then on your shoe
    #* Without you someone in this world may not be living
    #The more things change, more they stay the same.
    #You're rich in heart and poor only in mind.
    *Sometime a bird's going to poop on your head. Pretend it's goodluck when it happens.
    #*If you think you have no chance in getting what you want you most probably wont get it. If you believe you'll get it, you most probably eventually will.
    #See like you're looking through different eyes and Listen like you wont hear again.
    #Some people will touch you and it will hurt but some people will touch and you’ll forget you’ve been hurt.
    *Sugar snacks were created just for our pleasure
    #*You mean the world to someone and you may not even know it
    *Sometimes you eat too much over the holidays. And you wont fit into pants…Don’t worry just go get your self a bigger pair
    #Last of all, know there are no rules

    There are lots of sad things in this world. There alot of things that will try to bury your spirit in this life. And there will be a lot of times when you'll fall on you knees asking why thinking you'll never get up again. It wont be easy. No one said it was going to be. But no matter how deep, how far or low you fall you'll always fly twice as high.

    You kow what the greatest miracle is. When the deaf child plays melodies you havent even heard of. All because, you the musican taught him how to play with his heart not his ears. When the blind child paints pictures of places and colours not seen in this world. All because, you the painter taught him to paint with his imagination and soul and not his eyes. That is the greatest of all miracles.

    Butterfly kisses Kat