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    December the 23rd

    Im so sorry I haven't written in ages. I feel terrible that I haven't. Actually it's quite funny when I find myself apologising to my journal/diary after months of not writing. Maybe it's not so ridiculous apologising in this one. I'm kinda in a way saying sorry to the people who do take the time to vist my site and read what I have to say. No matter how silly or stupid my thoughts are.
    However it's quite amusing when it's just my own journal that only I read. Why do I say sorry to a journal that can't even respond or doesn't have an emotion to even care that I have not written. Actually I know why I apologise. I apologise to myself for letting time slip away with memories and thoughts I wished I'd wrote about. Humans are really quite funny. They are, I must say a discovery channel all in themselves.

    Anyways I really don't have anything intelligent or mind boggling to write about. I guess I seemed to have dissappointed many people on my final school mark. What is a mark anyway? I think people put way too much emphasis on marks at school. How can you grade someone's intelligence or wisdom for that matter on such a small test. I think it's silly. I'm not saying education is not worth anything. No. I'm just saying I think people are worth more than just one mark. They are worth more than a simple digit in their lives. I don't think life is based on a simple digit. That end of school mark is just like a millisecond in the numerous of years you will live in your life. That's what I believe anyways. And I'm not saying that because I didn't receive such a great mark. I know I didn't score every high with my mark but I'm not disappointed. Some may say I deserve higher because they think I'm a bright person. You know what? I don't deserve higher. I didn't study at all really. So my mark is deserving of my effort. Some people though put in so much effort and they deserve so much higher than what they received.

    I don't even know where people got this idea that I was some bright intelligent person anyway. I laugh with silly amusement that they would think I am. I'm pretty much the average girl. Plus I think people tend to confuse my creativeness for intelligence. I'm creative. I talk about nonsense in a absurd, odd yet funny manner that it entertains people. That's certainly not intelligence. I think that's what people get mixed with especially when it comes to me.

    I think people sell themselves short in their life I think that when we grow up we forget about what's really important. We forget about our dreams, we forget about what we really love and settle ourselves with alternatives because we're scared we won't find what we're searching for. We fill our emptiness with what only falls from the gleaming green money tree.
    As humans we only use 10 percent of our brain in a conscious state. The other 90 percent is subconscious. So of everything we learn, 90 percent we already kinda know we just don't know we know it or the 10 percent can't comprehend that we know it.

    I'm not anyone special. I don't know everything about life and I know it's not easy to chase what you love and your dreams. Life is full of so many complications. But I just want to tell everyone , don't let a small mark or test decide your fate. And don't let anyone tell you you're not intelligent or smart, because you didn't score high or you didn't get that diploma or degree. Because you're a person and well you're worth so much more than that. It's simple, it's been said before and you know what? It's the truth.

    "Life is not a test if it was you would have been given futher instructions" - unknown

    Creatively yours Katrina :)