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7th of June 2001
    You're without name or face yet you're inspiring me in ways you couldnt believe. And thankyou seems far to shallow a word for one like you to receive.

    I dont really know how to start this journal entry. Does anyone really know how to start one? Starting things is always the hardest part I think. I mean you always know what you want to say and why you want to say it but just saying it , beginning it is a challenge. Everything seems like a middle letter or journal thing never something you would begin with. Anyways what I've meaning to say for a long time but never really said is Thankyou. Thankyou to all those people who vist my site. The ones who read my poems and songs. The ones who sign the guestbook and the ones who email me just to tell me how much they like my work, or even if the dont like my work the fact they've read it and have an opinion on it. Whether its been a friend I have known in real life or on the internet or a complete stranger surfing by.

    I cant even begin to describe the feeling, when something I've written has moved someone or the emotions that overwhealm me when I read one of your emails or guestbook entries telling me how you've liked or appericated my work. Its amazing and I dont think I could thankyou all enough. I remember when I started this site. It was purely because I wanted to write, just to create a little bit of me out there somewhere, just something for myself. But when people connect and respond to it, its just amazing. And its because of you that I want to write more.

    I may not get heaps of mail or tons of people visting everyday but just the few that do. Thankyou. A writer, musican , artist or anyone can do something because they love it and be happy. But without someone to read your novel, hear your song, look at your painting, or admire the house your built, respond to what you do or have to say, you're left feeling a little empty. All those people out there, you inspire and encourage us. You have encouraged and inspired me to keep doing what I love. I wish there was more I could do or say for just visting. I've learnt more from this site then I ever imagined to learn. I know this site wont be up forever and I dont know if I'll be writing years from now. But I know that I will look back at these moments and days and remember the people, those without a name or face who gave me hope to believe that I can be the writer/musican that I thought I could be at 18. Thankyou. And no matter what anyone tells you, follow your dreams, because even if you dont go where you thought you'd go, they're one of the greatest things in this world that keep you living in a cruel reality. Butterfly kisses Kat :)

    The most beautiful things in this world aren't things - (cant remember, doh)
