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Little Ole Me

" Whoooo R U? "
" I..I..I hardly know sir, I've changed so many times since this morning, you see "
" I do not C? Explain yourself "
" I'm afraid I can't explain myself sir because I'm not myself , you know "
" I do not know? "
" Well I can't put it anymore clearly, for it isn't clear to me "
" You? Whoooooo R U? "
" Well don't you think you ought to tell me Whoooo Youooo Are first? "
" Why? "
" Oh dear, everything is so confusing "
" It is not! "
" Well it is to me! "
Alice in Wonderland -Walt Disney

:) Hi...I put up that verse from Alice in Wonderland because it seemed to suit me wonder it was always one of my favorites. Funny, that it isn't till now that I discover Alice and me are very much alike. So close that I could be Alice. Anyways I really wasn't sure about putting up a page like this. I really liked the fact of staying anonymous but I'm always curious about writers and website designers "curiouser and curiouser". So this is for all those curious people out there :).

*Name: Just call me Katrina

*Nicknames: Kat, Trina, Katie, Tweena, Pixie, Mouse Lady Fifi( its a personal joke thing) Jobe( dont ask).

*Birthday: 24th of October 1982

*Starsign: That would make me a Deadly scorpio

*Lives in: Australia, sydney. Yay Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi

*Colours: Deep blue, blood red and black

*Foods: heheheh lots of junk food lol no I love all the good stuff chocolate, lollies ice-cream but pasta and salads are my kinda thing.

*Music: I like all types of music, a lot of the old kinda stuff from the 50s and 60s and Motown. I love the blues and jazz too. Anything really theres so much that moves me. Hollies, Cat Stevens, Beatles, Elvis, BSB, Jewel, Savage Garden, Hanson, Macy Grey, Vertical Horizon, Eagles, oh my the list is endless.

*Eyes: GreenyBlue

Hair: Long light brown

Height: 5'0 or 5'1, now thats when highheels come in handy

*Drinks: Water, O.J, Coke, Lift and tea I looove Irish tea

*Animals: Dolphins, Monkeys, Meercats, Birds

*Hobbies: hmmmm Reading, writing, dancing, singing, I love to paint and draw , acting, watching tv and yeah lots of other stuff oh yeah the net (an awful addiction)


*I dance ballet, tap and funk/jazz but not as much as I used too.

* I'm always making up some silly quote for the day

* If I could be any animal I would be a bird coz then I'd be able to fly anywhere or a fish and swim in the deep

* I love all things magical, faires, pixies, astrology, palm reading and ancient secrets...Did you know in greek butterflies symbolise the soul!

* Everytime some sneezes I say Bless you and clap otherwise a fairy dies

* I love just to watch the stars and clouds for hours on end.

* Im a daydreamer ...I even daydream on the bus and miss my stop, doh!

* Im a sleep in and miss breakfast kinda person.

* I loooove staying up late...I'm an all nighter.

* I eat my doughnuts upside down , that way the icing is on my tongue first.

* I love the smell of rain and hearing it pour down in the night.

* Im quiet but I have much too say

* I talk to myself all the time.

* I bite my lowerlip when im thinking

* I like answering a question with a question

* I take small steps when walking and I am usually the last one trying to catch up when walking with friends, doh

* Im friendly but I keep my distance from people

* I love autumn and watching leaves fall to the ground.

* I love big coats and jackets

* I'm a stay home video girl than a disco diva

* Slippers are my favorite kinda shoe!

* I have boxes full of cards and letters that people have given me..I even have bday cards from when I was 6, doh.

* I watch the movie Casper just for the apart when Casper whispers "Kat, can I keep you" Ooooh im such a dope, doh.

* I love candles of all kinds.

* I looove just watching people, they're so funny.

* I like saying Mr! Doh

*It takes me awhile to open up to people I know

*If I had to say one thing about falling in love it would be a quote from Sleepless in Seattle " all I could say was...hello." Or from Jerry Magurie," You had me at had me at hello." doh

* I always look losted! (Becca would know)

* I say things outta the blue which have no relevance to the conversation.

* Everyones Beautiful!

* I listen to music in the dark and dance.

* I never wear a watch and if I do I still have no idea what the time is.

* My magic eraser knows all the answers to my questions. It does!

*And last but not least I looooove butterflies but what I love more than butterflies are people who give me butterfly cards and butterfly kisses :).

" If I had a world of my own everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. Contraywise what it is , it wouldn't be and what it wouldn't be, it would." Alice in Wonderland

Well guess thats all Love ya Butterfly Kisses :)