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Time slowly passing
I can feel you slipping away
I see you hurting deep inside
You smile fades with every day

Seasons gently changing
And you're scared things are not the same
While old feelings are fading
New feelings should not hold the blame

And ..Sorry is all I can say for the tears I didnot see fall
Forgive me is all I ask, for building this emotional wall
I love you is all I feel baby, for you and the times that have passed
Smile is all I can do baby, to make things last

Misunderstandings always torn us apart
Stinging words coated with emotional pain
Icy silences that frozen our broken hearts
This war field of mind games

Sweet kisses kept us together
Memories of heavens clouds
Magic that seemed to last forever
That something speical we had found

And although I don't love you the way you want
You'll always be angel in my eyes
And although at times it may feel that I have gone
I would never leave your side
If only you knew how much you mean to me and how much I care
I would give my soul just to see your pain disappear


'copyright © 99 Katrina