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Silenced Song

 Breathing in, breathing out; yearning words do long

 shattering against a quietness; the voice of silecnecd song.

Poetry is one of the most precious arts of writing. It is both lovely to read and also a sacred talent to be blessed with. Here are some of my own poems, along with treasured favorites that I continue to read over and over. Poems capture moments, emotions and thoughts, that only our souls are the listening ear of. Therefore some of my poems are personal and you may not understand them fully, for they come from within. All my poems are kept in their natural form of when I wrote them. They are not altered again and again, for I believe you can not perfect or change a time or feeling that has come to pass. I warn you, my poems dont stick to the rules, they dont follow the laws of grammer or writing technique. They are only words, my spirit's silenced song, which defiy all law and follow the hearts yearning to be heard. Enjoy reading and please email me. I would love to hear from you! Take care Love *Katrina*


White and Red Roses

Lost Picture


The Ring

I want to write

He wanted to be

The Autumn of you

It was whispered


Wild Brumby

Sweet Death


Busy Streets




Leaves and Ashes

Graphics courtesy of Fantasyland featuring Meilin Wong

'copyright' © 99 Katrina