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Life Is A Gift To Thee

Don't let the night take you away
Shadows will persuade you to go
Into the dark of your soul
Your heart will fade slowly
Sinking into despair
And there will be no one there.
No comfort, no light
Nothing will seem right
Your own existence will be questioned.
There is a place in ones soul to go
Where there is no coming back
With no hope inside and full of pride.
The darkness will be your reward
Playing on the edge will trap you
Resist evil and it will flee from you
Reach in and take hold of the light.
Embrace the love of God
One life, one heart , one soul
Don't let it go
Life is worth living
Fulfill your purpose.
Stand firm in righteousness
Hang on and be strong
Let love lead you.
Darkness is past
And this life won't last
Let the sun shine in your heart
Then you will see
That life is a gift to thee.

~By Linda LaMar~
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