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Here is yet another one of my niece's
lovely poems!

I Dream

I dream of peace....
So that I no longer hear of violent acts
committed by teens.

I dream of love....
In hopes that everyone will eventually find
It's true meaning.

I dream of hope....
To give all those in need of a solution
The answer.

I dream of friendships....
While everyone deserves to have a friend,
No one should be left behind.

I dream of patience....
Given the fact that no one has the time to wait
for another anymore.

I dream of dreams....
For a dream gives you the experience where
All of these possibilities could exists.

All you have to do is trap your dream
Before it floats out of your reach.
It's only when you loose the opportunity
To live your dream
That you truly see how real your dream is.
~Christy Leathers~



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The preceding was put together by me.
The globe was made by me also, so please do not use without
my permission.

Debbie (Shadow)

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