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Journal Articles

Ferreira, P.F.A.N. and B. Mueller. 2014. How Judges Think in the Brazilian Supreme Court: Estimating Ideal Points and Identifying Dimensions,” EconomiA, Vol. 15 Issue 3, Sept-Dec.

Mueller, B., N. Campos and M. Iootty. 2103. “Legal Institutions and Firm Performance,” Economic Analysis of Law Review, Vol. 3, (1).


Alston, L., M.A. Melo, B. Mueller and C. Pereira. 2013. “Changing Social Contracts: Beliefs and Dissipative Inclusion in Brazil,” Journal of Comparative Economics (forthcoming) (also published as an NBER Working Paper No. 18588).


Alston, Lee J., Edwyna Harris and Bernardo Mueller. 2012. “The Development of Property Rights on Frontiers: Endowments, Norms and Politics,” The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 72, Issue 3: 741-770.


Alston, L., M.A. Melo, B. Mueller and C. Pereira. 2012. “Changing Social Contracts: Beliefs and Dissipative Inclusion in Brazil,” NBER Working Paper Series No. 18588.


Mueller, B. and C. Mueller. 2012. “The Impact of the 2007–08 Food Price Crisis in a Major Commodity Exporter: Food Prices, Inflation, and Inclusion in Brazil,” UNU-Wider Working Paper Series, WP/095.


Uhr, D. A. P. ; Uhr, J. G. ; Mueller, B. 2012. “Como as ONGs Ambientais Influenciam a Política Ambiental Brasileira?” Revista Brasileira de Economia, V. 66, p. 79-98.


Lins, Bernardo E. e Bernardo Mueller. 2012. “Princípio de Constância Relativa: em Busca de Explicações,” Cadernos Aslegis, jan./abr.: 39-60.


Alston, L.J., B. Mueller. 2011. “Brazilian Development: This Time for Real?” CESifo Forum, v. 1, p. 37-46, 2011.


Alston, L.J. and B. Mueller. 2010. “Property Rights, Land Conflict and Tenancy in Brazil,” NBER Working Paper Series No. 15771.


Alston, L., G. Libecap and B.Mueller. 2010. “Interest Groups, Information Manipulation in the Media, and Public Policy: The Case of the Landless Peasants Movement in Brazil,” NBER Working Paper Series, v. W15865, p. 1-45, 2010.


Pereira, C., S. Singh and B. Mueller. 2010. “Political Institutions, Policymaking, and Policy Stability in Latin America,” Latin American Politics and Society, forthcoming.


Mueller, B. 2009. The Fiscal Imperative and the Role of Public Prosecutors in Brazilian Environmental Policy. Law & Policy, v. 32, p. 1-23.


Alston, L.J., E. Harris and B. Mueller. 2009. “De Facto and De Jure Property Rights: Land Settlement and Land Conflict on the Australian, Brazilian and U.S. Frontiers,” NBER Working Paper Series No. 15264.


Alston, L.J. and B. Mueller. 2007. “Legal Reserve Requirements in Brazilian Forests: Path Dependent Evolution of De Facto Legislation,” Revista Economia, Selecta, Brasília (DF), Vol. 7, N. 4.


Correa, P., M.A. Melo, B. Mueller and C. Pereira. 2007. “Regulatory Governance in Brazilian Infrastructure Industries,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 48 Issue 2.


Mueller, B. 2006.A Evolução Histórica dos Direitos de Propriedade Sobre Terras no Brasil e nos EUA,” História Econômica & História de Empresas, Jan.-Junho, 9(1): 23-54.


Mattos, C.C.A. e B. Mueller. 2006. “Regulando o Regulador: A Proposta do Governo e a ANATEL,” Revista de Economia Contemporânea, Vol. 10, N.3: 517-546.


Alston, L.J. and B. Mueller. 2006. “Pork for Policy: Executive and Legislative Exchange in Brazil,” The Journal of Law Economics and Organization. Vol.22, No.1 Spring.


Faria, R.C., J.M. Nogueira e B. Mueller. 2005. “Políticas de Precificação do Setor de Saneamento Urbano no Brasil: As Evidências do Equilíbrio de Baixo NívelEstudos Econômicos, Vol. 35, N. 3:481-518.


Alston, L.J. and B. Mueller. 2005. “Review of Law and Employment: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean with an Emphais on Brazilian Labor Institutions” Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 25, Number 2, Winter: 339-348.


Pereira C. and B. Mueller. 2004. “A Theory of Executive Preponderance: The Committee System in the Brazilian Congress,” Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 10 No.1, Spring: 9-49.


Pereira, C. and B. Mueller. 2004. “The Cost of Governing: Strategic Behavior of the President and Legislators in Brazil’s Budgetary Process.” Comparative Political Studies, Vol.37, No.7, Sept:781-815.


Brambilla, P.H. e B. Mueller. 2004. “O Impacto da Energia Elétrica no Crescimento Econômico,” Revista Unopar Científica, Maringá, Vol. 5, N. 1:1-23.


Pereira, C. and B. Mueller. 2003. “Partidos Fracos na Arena Eleitoral e Partidos Fortes na Arena Legislativa no Brasil: Conexão Eleitoral no Brasil” Dados. Vol. 45, pg.265-302.


Mueller, B. 2002.Direitos de Propriedade na Nova Economia das Instituições e em Direito e Economia. ” Revista de Direito Mercantil, Industrial, Econômico e Financeiro. Faculdade de Direito da USP. Departamento Comercial. Vol. 126, abr.-jun., p.112-116.


Mueller, B. e C. Pereira. 2002. “Comportamento estratégico em coalizões presidencialistas: as relações entre Executivo e Legislativo na elaboração do orçamento brasileiroDados, Vol. 45, pg.265-302.


Mueller, B. e C. Pereira. 2002. Credibility and the Design of Regulatory Agencies in Brazil, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 22 n0.3(87) July-Sept: 65-88.


Mueller, B. 2002. “Comment on Estache, Manacorda and Valletti”, Economia – Journal of the LACEA, Vol. 2, No. 1:580-601.


Mueller, B. 2001, Institutions for Commitment in the Brazilian Regulatory System, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 41: 621-643.


Mueller, B. 2001, Regulação, Informação e Política: Uma Resenha da Teoria Política Positiva da Regulação, Revista Brasileira de Economia de Empresas, Vol.1, No 1,:9-29.


Mueller, B. e Pereira, C., 2000. “O Sistema de Comissões do Congresso Brasileiro: Uma Teoria de Preponderância Executiva”, Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, São Paulo, v. 15, n. 43, p. 45-68.


Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 2000, “Property Rights to Land and Land Reform: Legal Inconsistencies and The Sources of Violent Conflict in the Brazilian Amazon” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 39:162-188.


Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 1999, “A Model of Rural Conflict: Violence and Land Reform Policy in Brazil”, Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge:UK, 4:135-160.


Mueller, B. 1998, “The Economic Theory of Regulation: the Case of Agrarian Reform Legislation in Brazil”, Revista Brasileira de Economia, Vol. 52 No1 Jan./Mar, pg:83-110.


Mueller, B., 1997, "Property Rights and the Evolution of a Frontier", Land Economics, Vol 73 Number 1, February, 42-57.


Mueller, B., Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Schneider, R., 1994, "Land Property Rights and Privatization in Brazil", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol.34., p.261-280.

Books and Chapters

Alston, L.J., E. Harris and B. Mueller. 2009. “Property Rights, Land Settlement and Land Conflict on Frontiers: Evidence from Australia, Brazil and the U.S.,” in eds. K. Ayotte and H.E. Smith, Research Handbook on the Economics of Property Law, Edward Elgar, forthcoming.


Mueller, B. and A.R. Oliveira. 2009. “Regulation During the Lula Government” in J.L Love and W. Baer (eds) Brazil Under Lula: Economy, Politics, and Society under the Worker-President.New York, Palgrave Mcmillan, pg:93-114.


Mueller, B. 2009.Instituições e Salvaguardas no Sistema Regulatório Brasileiro”, in P.I.S. Ramalho (org.), Regulação e Agências Reguladoras: Governança e Análise de Impacto Regulatório, Brasília, ANVISA.


Alston, L.J., M.A. Melo, B. Mueller and C. Pereira. 2008. “On the Road to Good Governance: Recovering from Economic and Political Shocks in Brazil,” Eds. E. Stein, M. Tommasi, C. Scartascini and P. Spiller, Policymaking in Latin America: How Politics Shapes Policies, Harvard University Press.


Mueller, C. and B. Mueller. 2007. “The Evolution of Agriculture and Land Reform in Brazil, 1960 – 2006,” in H. Esfahani, G. Fachinni and G. Hewings forthcoming.


Correa, P., M.A. Melo, B. Mueller and C. Pereira. 2006. Regulatory Governance in Infrastructure Industries: Assessment and Measurement of Brazilian Regulators, Wahsington, The World Bank, Trends and Policy Options Series, N. 3.


Pereira, C. e B. Mueller. 2006. “Regras Eleitorais e Poderes do Presidente no Congresso: Duas Dimensões Complementares da Capacidade Governativaem G.A.D. Soares e L.R. Renno, Reforma Política: Lições da História Recente, Rio de Janeiro, FGV Editora, pg. 296-315.


Deacon, R. and B. Mueller. 2005. “Political Economy and Natural Resource Use, in (eds) R. Lopez, M. Toman, Economic Develpoment & Environmental Sustainability: New Policy Options, The Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series, Oxford University Press.


Zylberstztajn, D., R. Sztajn e B. Mueller. 2005. “Economia dos Direitos de Propriedade,” org., D. Zylberstztajn e R. Sztajn, Direito & Economia: Análise Econômica do Direito e das Organizações, São Paulo, Elsevier.


Alston, L., M. Melo, B. Mueller and C. Pereira. 2005. “Political Institutions, Policymaking Processes and Policy Outcomes in Brazil” Inter-American Development Bank.


Alston, L., M. Melo, B. Mueller and C. Pereira. 2005. “Who decides on Public Expenditures? A Political Economy Analysis of the Budget Process: The Case of Brazil” Inter-American Development Bank.


Alston, L. and B. Mueller. 2004. “Property Rights and the State.” Handbook of New Institutional Economics, forthcoming.


Alston, L. and B. Mueller. 2003 “Property Rights to Land” Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History.


Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 2003, “Property Rights to Land and Land Reform: Legal Inconsistencies and the Sources of Violent Conflict in the Brazilian Amazon” in B. Larson (ed) Property rights and environmental problems. Volume 2. International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy. Aldershot, U.K. and Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2003; 453-79. Previously published: 2000.


Mueller, B. and C. Mueller. 2003. “Institutions and Sustainable Development,” in L. Lai and F. Lorne eds. Understanding and Implementing Sustainable Development, Nova Scotia.


Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 1999, Titles, Conflict and Land Use: The Development of Property Rights and Land Reform on the Brazilian Amazon Frontier, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press.


Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 1998, “Property Rights and Land Conflict: A Comparison of Settlement of the U.S. Western and Brazilian Amazon Frontiers”, in eds. John Coatsworth and Alan M. Taylor Latin America and the World Economy Since 1800, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B, 1998, “Un Analisis Economico de la Violencia Rural en Brasil”, in Cárdenas, M. and R. Steiner eds. Corrupcion Crimen y Justicia. Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes.


Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller, B., 1997, "Violence and the Deveolpment of Property Rights to Land in the Brazilian Amazon", in Nye, J.V.C. and Drobak, J.N., editors, Frontiers of the New Institutional Economics, Academic Press, San Diego, pp.145-164.


Working Papers

Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller, B., “Interest Groups and Information: How Organized Interests Can Be Represented Without Providing Contributions or Votes.”

Pereira C. and B. Mueller, “The Executive’s Strategic Behavior in a Coalition Based Presidential System: The Case of Brazilian Decision-Making Process on the Annual Budget.”

Mueller, B. “The Microeconomics of Pop Music, or I Was a Punk Before You Were a Punk. ”


Book Reviews

Mueller B., March 2001, resenha no Journal of Economic History, do livro Slavery and the Demographic and Economic History of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1720 – 1888. L. W. Bergad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. 298.


Mueller, B., March 2000, resenha no Journal of Economic History, do livroUnited States - Latin American Relations 1850 - 1903: Establishing a Relationship. Edited by T. M. Leonard. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 1999. Pp.303.


Mueller, B., Dezembro 1998, resenha no Journal of Economic History, do livro Development Economics: From the Poverty to the Wealth of Nation,. por Yujiro Hayami. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. Pp. xx, 316. .




Newspapers and Magazines


Mueller, B., 1999, “O Mercado de Passagens Aéreas,” Revista Estilo, Recife, Ano 1, N0 2, Edição 2, pg.13.




Mueller, B. 1999. A Nova Economia Regulada. Cursum. 1. (Revista dos alunos das Relações Internacionais da UNB).

Mueller, B., 1999. Teoria Política Positiva da Regulação: A Oferta de Regulação,” Laboratório de Economia, PET/Economia - UNB, Série PET, No 14, Janeiro, pp.44-63.


Mueller, B., “Uma Comparação Histórica da Evolução do Sistema de Propriedade e Uso da Terra nos EUA e no Brasil”, 1995. Publicado na Série Textos Didáticos do Departamento de Economia da Universidade de Brasília.


Mueller, B., The Economic History, Political Economy and Frontier Settlement of Land in Brazil, Tese de doutoramento, University of Illinois, dezembro 1994.



Conference Proceedings

Stopped counting


Envirnomental Economics Task Force Meeting, 10-11 de outubro de 2003, Columbia University, Nova Iorque, EUA.


no Political Institutions, Policy Making Process and Policy Outcome Discussion Seminar, 7-8 de outubro de 2003, Universidad do las Américas, Puebla México.


Jornada da Associação Brasileira de RecursosHídricos sobre o Sistema de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos realizada na FINATEC em Brasília no dia 12 de setembro de 2003.


“Property Rights and the State,” no V Hewlett Brazil Project, realizado em Brasíla, Hotel Blue Tree, dias 1 e 2 de agosto.


"Avaliação e Desafios da Regulação no Brasil" organizado pelo Ministério do Planejamento dia 20 e 21 de Maio de 2003, em Brasília.


“Crime, Corruption and Violence: Theory and Applications to Brazil and Latin America” organized by the Stone Center for Latin American Studies e Murphy Institute of Political Economy, dias 4 e 5 de April de 2003, na Tulane University, New Orleans, EUA.


Workshop organized by DIVERSITAS: “Developing the science of the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity” no International Council for Science (ICSU) em Paris, Janeiro 6-8 2003.


Hewlett-Brazil Project: IV International Workshop na PUC-RJ dias 1 e 2 de Agosto de 2002.


“A Theory of Executive Preponderance: The Committee System in the Brazilian Congress,” no First Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society, de 28 de julho a 3 de Agosto de 2002 na USP, São Paulo.


A Multiprincipal, Multitask Model of Interest Group Competition: An Application to Land Reform Politics in Brazil no Latin American Meetings of the Econometric Society (LAMES 2002) nos dias 24 a 27 de julho de 2002 na FGV-SP, São Paulo.


“O Custo de Governar sob Diferentes Contextos Institucionaisem co-autoria com Carlos Pereira na Conferência Reforma Política: O Brasil e Outras Experiências, na Universidade Candido Mendes, rio de Janeiro dias 27-28 de julho de 2002.


“Interest Groups and Information: How Organized Interest can be Represented Without Providing Contributions or Votes”, em coautoria com Alston, L. e G.D. Libecap no Programa de Seminários Acadêmciso da USP, 21/03/2002.


Workshop on Institutional Analysis, organizado pelo Ronal Coase Institute, no Rio de Janeiro 13-14 de Dezembro de 2001, com a apresentação do trabalho Coalitional Stability and the Gains from Trade Between the Executive and the Legislature in Brazil.


Titles, conflict and Land Use: The Development of Property Rights and Land Reform on the Brazilian Amazon Frontier, em coautoria com Alston, L. na Conferência Blending Local and Global Knowledge do GDN (Global Development Network) Rio de Janeiro, 12 de Dezembro de 2001.


Interest Groups and Information: How Organized Interest can be Represented Without Providing Contributions or Votes, em coautoria com Alston, L. e G.D. Libecap no XXIII Encontro Brasileiro de Econometria, 12 de Dezembro 2001 em Salvador.


Coalitional Stability and the Gains from Trade Between the Executive and the Legislature in Brazil, em coautoria com Alston, L. no XXVIII Encontro Nacional de Economia da ANPEC, 12 de Dezembro 2001 em Salvador.

“Interest Groups and Information:How Organized Interests Can Be Represented Without Providing Contributions or Votes”, em co-autoria com Lee J. Alston e Gary D. Libecap no Dept de Economia da Universidade Católica de Brasília, dias 24 de Outubro de 2001.

Alston, L.J. and B. Mueller “Democratization and Exploiting the Gains from Trade: Executive and Legislative Exchange in Brazil”, LACEA 2001, Montevideo, 18- 20 October, 2001.

Alston, L.J.and B. Mueller “Coalitional Stability and the Gains From Trade Between the Executive and the Legislature in Brazil” II International Workshop on Neoliberalism and its Consequences, USP, Hewlett Brazil Project, 25 - 26 June, 2001.

Mueller, B. and C. Pereira, “Credibility and the Design of Regulatory Agencies in Brazil” presented at the conference ‘Competition and regulation: the energy sector in the UK and Brazil’, Oxford University, Centre for Brazilian Studies, 4 - 5 June, 2001.

Pereira C. and B. Mueller “The Executive’s Strategic Behavior in a Coalition Based Presidential System: The Case of Brazilian Decision-Making Process on the Annual Budget,” presented at the conferece “Brazilian Political Institutions in comparative Perspective: The Role of Congress in Presidential Systems,” Oxford University, Centre for Brazilian Studies, 28 – 29, May 2001.

Alston, L.J.and B. Mueller, “The Gains From Trade Between the Executive and the Legislature in Brazil,” Institutions, Law and the Social Sciences Workshop of the Economics Department of the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, Abril 18, 2001.

Mueller, B. and C. Pereira, “Credibility and the Design of Regulatory Agencies in Brazil,” II Seminário Brasileiro da Nova Economia Institucional, Unicamp, Campinas, March 2000.

Mueller, B. and C. Pereira, “Credibility and the Design of Regulatory Agencies in Brazil,” XXVIII Encontro Nacional de Economia da ANPEC, Capminas, 13 - 15 December, 2000.

Mueller, B., 2000, “A Multiprincipal, Multitask Model of Interest Group Competition: An Application to Land Reform Politics in Brazil,” V Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 12-14, 2000.

Mueller, B. and C. Pereira “Credibility and the Design of Regulatory Agencies in Brazil”, Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics, Tübigen, Germany, Sept. 22-24, 2000.

Mueller, B. “A multiprincipal, multitask approach to instrument choice in environmental policy,” Second International Conference on Environment and Development, organized by Beijer Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 6 - 8 September, 2000.

Mueller, B. and C. Pereira “Credibility and the design of regulatory agencies in Brazil,” I Seminário sobre Regulação dos Mercados, organizado pelo Dept. de Economia da UFBA, em Salvador, em 31 de Agosto a 1 de Setembro 2000.

Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B, “O Conflito da Terra: Políticas Públicas e o Desmatamento na Amazônia,” série Debates Ambientais do PPG-7 Banco Mundial em Brasília, dia 18 de Agosto de 2000.

Mueller, B., 2000, “Institutions for Commitment in the Brazilian Regulatory System”, II Meeting of the LACEA Political Economy Group, Cartagena, Colmbia, 6 to 8 of April 2000.

Mueller, B., 2000 “Institutions for Commitment in the Brazilian Regulatory System”, XXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA 2000), Miami,16-18 of Março, 2000.

Mueller, B. e Pereira, C., 1999, “Testing Theories of Congressional Committee’s Composition and Power: the Case of the Brazilian Congress,” Anals of the 3rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Institutional Economics. Washington D.C. CD-Rom.

Mueller, B., Pereira, C., 1999, “Teoria Política Positiva: Composição das Comissões do Congresso,” Série Seminários Acadêmicos do Dep. de Economia da UNB , UNB, Brasília , v. 02/99 , p. 1 –25.

Mueller, B. e Pereira, C., 1998, “Para Que Servem as Comissões no Congresso Naional? Uma Análise Comparada das Teorias que Tentam Explicar a Existência e o Funcionamento das Comissões,” Primeiro Encontro da Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política, Univ. Cândido Mendes.

Mueller, B., 1998. “A Teoria Positiva da Regulação,” Anais do Io Seminário Brasileiro sobre a Nova Economia Institucional, São Paulo: USP.

Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 1998, “A Model of Rural Conflict: Violence and Land Reform Policy in Brazil,”World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Venice, 25-27 of June, 1998.

Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 1997, “A Model of Rural Conflict: Violence and Land Reform Policy in Brazil”, Anais SBE 1997,Recife.

Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 1997, “Competing Claims to Land: The Sources of Violent Conflict in the Brazilian Amazon” LACEA Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá Colombia.

Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 1997, “Inconsistency in the Enforcement of Property Rights: Conflicts over Land on the Brazilian Amazon and the U.S. Western Frontiers”, Conference on Latin American and the World Economy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries held in Bellagio Italy, June 1997.

Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller B., 1997, “Inconsistency in the Enforcement of Property Rights: Conflicts over Land on the Brazilian Amazon and the U.S. Western Frontiers”, Third World Congress of Cliometrics, Munich Germany, July 1997.

Alston, L., Libecap, G. and Mueller, B., 1996, “Property Rights and Land Conflicts: A Comparison of Settlement in the U.S. Western, and Brazilian Amazon Frontiers”, Economic History Meetings of 1996, Berkley California.

Mueller, B. "A Dynamic Model of Frontier Settlement", Anais da Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, Rio de Janeiro, 1994