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Daddy's Girl
Looking back through the years,
Remembering times that are so dear...
Though they are gone now and in the past...
The memories in my mind will always last...
Of a time I was but a little girl,
Who thought my Daddy was my world...

When I needed you Daddy, you were always there...
Now you're gone and it doesn't seem fair..
Though it's been almost two years since you died,
I still fell the pain from deep inside.
Oh Daddy, I still miss you so,
And I just don't understand why you had to go...

And though I told you in the end,
And made sure you knew,
That I always loved you Daddy, and I still do...
I know now I didn't say or show it near enough,
I was too busy with a life of my own and stuff..
Things that wern't as important I can now see,
Oh Daddy, how I wish I had done things differently...

I wish I had done things I didn't do,
And I wish I hadn't done a few things I did do too...
But I can't go back in time to the start,
Though I wish I could with all my heart...
If i knew then what I know right now,
So many things would be different somehow...

You meant so much more to me than I let show,
I should have spent more time letting you iknow...
You taught me so much about what a parent should be,
And I always knew how much you loved me...
And though you are in heaven Daddy and not
on this world,
In my heart I will always be Daddy's little girl...
Compiled By: Debbie
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