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Just Once A Month
Where is it written?  Does anyone know?
That it's up to us women to cook, clean, and sew?
Plan all the menus!  Pay all the bills!
Tend to the children, and cure all their ills?
Wash all the windows!  Plan the decor!
Clean up the kitchen!  Mop the floor!
Know within seconds where it can be found!
(The thousand and one its they leave all around.)
Remember all Birthdays!
Anniversaries, too.
Your side and his side-
It's all up to you.
Make all appointments for
Eye, Teeth, and Hair-
And who is it up to,
getting them there?
Run to the cleaners!  Go to the Bank!
Stop at the station-Fill up the tank!
Time to start supper???  I'm not in the mood!
I'm simply too tired to think about food!
Just once in a while,
It sure would be grand,
To dine on a meal that
I hadn't planned.
And cleaning up after?
Of that I'd be free,
To sit on my laurels,
Just watching TV.
The house would be peaceful!
The kids wouldn't fight
They'd go to bed quietly--
Just this one night.
I'd watch the movie,
_I'd_so longed to see,
Without interruptions
from my family.
Nothing would break,
or have to be tended!
Nothing would rip
and need to be mended.
The phones wouldn't ring!
The pipes wouldn't rattle!
With things cracked or broken,
I'd not have a battle!
If dreams can come true,
as some say they can..
Then just once a month:
Could I be the man?
No cooking, no cleaning,
No laundry, no dust!
No homework, no bedtime--
No nothing I must!
Just once a month--
Oh, It would be aces...
If just for one night,
With me he'd trade places.
One night a month, Lord,
In My Fantasy,
I would be him,
and he would be ME!
Author unknown

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By: Debbie
My thanks to Tess for the use of her Graphics!