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This letter was designed 4 you to send to your closest friends.

 So if you want to keep your friends, send this:

 This Rose is 4 Friendship


 This Rose is 4 Luv


 This Rose is 4 Money


 This Rose is 4 Happiness


 This Rose is 4 Popularity


 This Rose is 4 Knowledge


 This Rose is 4 Cuteness


 This Rose is 4 Family


 This Rose is 4 Honesty


 This Rose is 4 Long Life

 Send this to at least 10 people.

 If you send this you will be blessed with every Rose

 This is a best friend test. Send this to as many friends as
 you possibly
 can and if you get it back, you truly will know who your

 If you break this chain you will have bad luck. I'm warning
 so now
 you get to make a free wish!!!!!!

 You have 30 seconds...start

















 Time's up!!!!!!!!!

 If you send this to . . .

  2 peeps - it will come true in a year
  5 peeps - in 3 months
  7 peeps - in 1 month
 10 peeps - in a week
 15 or more - tomorrow.

Put Together By Shadow(Debbie)

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