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Tribute to a Trucker's Wife

It takes a special woman to make a trucker's wife.
        It is not easy for God's tender creation to live such a life.
        A life where you must be both mother and father while your husband
is gone.
        When you put your day's work aside, you go to bed alone.
        And there lay awake thinking of the day your husband will come home.

       You must go about with the strength of a man.
       You manage the household, make the decisions and plans.
       Though as strong as a man, you may be
       You never let the world know when you're weak.
       You always hold your head high and do the best that you can.

        When those times come where all things go wrong
         And it's no longer possible for you to remain strong.
         These are the times your heart quakes with pain
         And the tears from your eyes fall like torrential rain.

        You wish that your husband were there to wipe the tears from your
        You wish you could feel the strength of his arms, his loving
        Greatly you long to know that he cares.
        You need to be reminded that he shares your dreams and your fears.
        As the pain becomes unbearable, the phone rings,
        You hear the voice of your lover and your heart begins to sing.
        As you feel the warmth of his touch through the phone wire
        His word quickens your spirit, rekindles your fire.

        You thank God for the chat, no matter how brief
        Has come just in time to fend off your grief.
        Sometimes in your dreams, I suppose you imagine yourself many great
       While in your heart you know you will never live in a palace, never
be a queen.

        But for you to attain highness, of such grandeur there is no need.
       You already are one of the greatest women the world's ever seen.
       You are that special women it takes to be a trucker's wife.
       I do truly love and thank  God I have you as part of my life.
       To you, all my love, my darling wife.

             Written By:  Scott Wilkins