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The lastest Chat With Roxann Dawson

Roxann Dawson "Torres" May 15, 1997

STAR TREK: CONTINUUM Host: Welcome to the Starfleet Lounge, the site for tonight's chat Roxann Dawson. We are coming to you LIVE from Paramount Studios in Hollywood. Your host for tonight's chat is Guy Vardaman, Producer/Product Manager for STAR TREK: CONTINUUM.

On behalf of STAR TREK: CONTINUUM, I'd like to welcome Roxann Dawson to our chat tonight.

Roxann Dawson: It's a pleasure to be here. I look forward to talking to you all.

Guy Vardaman: Cecilia_Lee: Ms. Dawson, what did you think of Mr. Beltran's performance in Hamlet?

Roxann Dawson: I thought he was wonderful. He also directed the production aan I thought he did a magnificent job there too. Very impressed and proud.

Guy Vardaman: piratemania asks: Hi, my name is Aaron. What made you decide to become a cast member on ST:V?

Roxann Dawson: Hi Aaron. As an actor we don't always get to decide what we want to do. I was lucky enough to get this role from an audition.

Guy Vardaman: Mipepe asks: Roxann, it seems that your role on Voyager has a Hispanic last name, but, although you have had some discussion about your Klingon background on the show, nothing has been discussed in term of your character's Hispanic background. Why is that?

Roxann Dawson: I think because it has little to do with the character. Her struggle is more between human and Klingon instead of the Hispanic and non-Hispanic. I think that issue is one we perhaps deal with today but will not be present in the future.

Guy Vardaman: Alex123450 ask: Do you have any information regarding the next Voyager season?

Roxann Dawson: Actually, no. I'm surprised every time I get a new script, but the buzz is, that the writing will be very good.

Guy Vardaman: Paul_W_Taylor asks: Do you think that there will be a Star Trek Voyager film made once the series has ended?

Roxann Dawson: I hope so, but not too soon because that would mean that we're probably back in the Alpha Quadrant and the show is over. I hope the series has a long life and then, of course movies. Why not?

Guy Vardaman: Badbob asks: Regarding your character, will B'Ellanna's relationship with Paris evolve into towards something more permanent?

Roxann Dawson: I hope that nothing is ever too permanent. Even if a relationship evolves, it would be nice for it to change and move in different directions. Hopefully whatever happens will be original, because these two characters would have an unusual and potentially volatile relationship and it would be interesting.

Guy Vardaman: brian_blackmore asks: Have you had any negative feedback regarding your relationship and then marriage to the casting director and getting the part of Torres on the show?

Roxann Dawson: I am not married to Ron Surma OR Junie Lowery, despite the rumors. I'm married Eric Dawson who has nothing to do with Star Trek, other than that his wife is on Voyager.

Hi Dave Rossi! [ed.-Dave Rossi, Supervisor of Star Trek Projects for Rick Berman Productions, frequently visits STAR TREK: CONTINUUM, and joined us for this chat.]

Guy Vardaman: CAROLECERES asks: Hi Roxann, I'm from England & we recently had the honor & pleasure of meeting Robert D McNeill at a Star Trek convention in Blackpool. I was wondering if you (or any others in the cast) would be coming to the UK also?

Roxann Dawson: I was just in Germany, which is close to the UK for me. I look forward to going there at some time. I have no plans for the near future, but I'm looking forward to being there at some point.

Guy Vardaman: CAROLECERES asks: What was it like working with Suzie Plakson? (Hi Guy)

Roxann Dawson: She is extremely funny and I enjoyed our scenes together. Also, it was fun to make Klingon jokes to the only other half-human/half-Klingon.

Guy Vardaman: DanielTrek asks: How do you like being in a Star trek series?

Roxann Dawson: It's a bit overwhelming. It's different than anything I've ever done. I think that the special thing about it is that the fans are so accessible at the conventions and we can get live feedback and it makes it more like theater.

Guy Vardaman: Ed Romero II asks: Mrs. Dawson, Soon after your interview the managers of the continuum will be closing the present chatroom and offer what they call an upgraded version which is not at all an upgrade but a step backward, I feel that Paramount and MSN have found that they apparently don't want to support the present technology because monetary gain has become the prevailing issue . My question to you is ... being that you play the part of an engineer on Voyager would you work on a starship that only had impulse but no warp?

Roxann Dawson: Yes, of course I would. I would appreciate the challenge.

Guy Vardaman: George Simpson asks: Will "Voyager" return next season? If not, will they find their way back to the alpha quadrant?

Roxann Dawson: The day we find ourselves back at Alpha Quadrant, it would mean the end of the series. I hope that doesn't happen this season.

Guy Vardaman: Harry asks: Does your husband prefer you with or without your Klingon makeup?

Roxann Dawson: With, of course.

Guy Vardaman: JPB-007 asks: Roxann, I think it's great that there's some Canadian representation in the talented cast of Voyager. How do you feel about your characters development so far. Is there any changes you'd like to see? Will you be doing any Conventions in Edmonton?

Roxann Dawson: I hate to disappoint you, but I'm not Canadian. Please don't shoot! :) I love my character's development. The only thing I would have is that she be half human, half Klingon and half Canadian.

Guy Vardaman: TiberiousKirk asks: As a fan, Star Trek has had a great influence in my life. What special influences has Star Trek given you?

Roxann Dawson: I can pay my mortage. Seriously, it's also given me an opportunity as an actress to do things I couldn't do on Beverly Hills 90210

Guy Vardaman: Jon D McNichols asks: What's up with B'Elanna and Tom? And why do you have a problem using the Klingon bathlith?

Roxann Dawson: B'Elanna's anger about the bat'telh is that Tom might be making fun of her but she is really very good with it.

Guy Vardaman: JGRAHAM331 asks: What other roles will you be exploring this year (i.e.; movies) and what developments, if any, will your character take on in the next season?

Roxann Dawson: I don't have time to do many other things besides Voyager, but I do have a TBS short film which will be airing in October called "Seeing Through Walls." As far as my character development for this comings season, I have no idea. They will surprise me with something, I'm sure.

Guy Vardaman: Klucz1 asks: How does it feel working with the cast of Voyager?

Roxann Dawson: I love working with this cast. We have so much fun together that sometimes we get no work done.

Guy Vardaman: copperhead asks: Does it take a long time to do your make-up for the show? also what do they use for the mask is it a latex rubber? Is it comfortable.

Roxann Dawson: The mask is a kind of rubber and no, of course it's not comfortable. My make-up takes two and a half hours.

Guy Vardaman: Krisc_msp asks: I'm a member of your Fan Club, and I was wondering -- How involved are you in the process and are you planning to come to any of the club events?

Roxann Dawson: I know there was a meeting in Nashville recently. I wanted to be there, but I had a convention in Germany. I have met several members of the fan club and I think they're pretty terrific.

Guy Vardaman: seghatoleslami asks: Did you watch Star Trek before you were chosen for the role of B'Elanna Torres?

Roxann Dawson: Honestly, no. The first time I saw a complete episode of Star Trek was the night before my final audition. I fell in love with it. I don't know what I was afraid of.

Guy Vardaman: Adminclerk asks: What side of your character do you identify the most with: the Klingon or the human?

Roxann Dawson: Depends on the time of day.

Guy Vardaman: Tiny_Hunter asks: Hallo Roxann, from the 9.5.-11.5. you where in Bonn on the Fed Con V.I was there too and had a great time. What I want to know is, did you also have a great time? Because I did and you were just great. Thanks

Roxann Dawson: Hello Germany! I had a WONDERFUL time. I took a photograph of the audience from the stage. Which one were you?

Guy Vardaman: Marklc asks: How did you become part of the Starfleet Voyager crew? Was it something you always wanted to do or just something that just happened?

Roxann Dawson: I answered a want ad.

Guy Vardaman: ColCham asks: I really loved the episode, "Blood Fever," because it allowed us to see your Klingon side. Will there be any more chances in the future for us to see you "being yourself?" Oh and by the way, if anyone can tame Tom Paris, B'Elanna can!

Roxann Dawson: I completely agree about taming Tom Paris. However, we don't want him too tame. I need a fighting partner.

Guy Vardaman: Surfersnake asks: When exactly is your birthday and how old are you???

Roxann Dawson: My birthday is September 11th every year.

Guy Vardaman: FLAtRich asks: I like Torres a lot, but her human side certainly seems to dominate most of the time. Can we expect to see any more episodes where Torres encounters conflict with her Klingon culture, rituals, mythology?

Roxann Dawson: I'm hoping so. I think this is an important part of her character and I want the writers to pursue it... so let them know.

Guy Vardaman: excalibur30 asks: Hi Roxann! Even though I'm a big fan of the whole Star Trek Universe, I was wondering if you ever wanted to tell a fan, "Hey, it's just a TV show!"?

Roxann Dawson: It's a TV show?

Guy Vardaman: RussX asks: If the gossip is correct (which it usually isn't), the cast is set to renegotiate their contracts after next season. First, is this true? And second, has any progress been made?

Roxann Dawson: I think it's a five and a half year deal... I'm not really sure.

Guy Vardaman: SLMAH asks: I recently ran across your fan club web page and read that part of the proceeds of club membership go to AMFAR. I was wondering how and why you became involved with the charity. I believe working with any organization that benefits people in need is a wonderful thing and commend you for your humanitarian activities.

Roxann Dawson: Actually, that web page is not up to date. The charity that the proceeds go to is called, "Camp Heartland" which gives a chance for children with AIDS. It is a smaller charity and I felt I could make more of a difference there.

Guy Vardaman: Lenier asks: What is your most embarrassing film role to date?

Roxann Dawson: Why would I tell you?

Guy Vardaman: Terrygenier asks: Is it fun to work with the cast voyager? what was your favorite one? who is your favorite person to work with and what is their stage name?

Roxann Dawson: I wouldn't want to choose any cast member over the other because they're all so wonderful to work with.

Guy Vardaman: Chronon asks: How tall are you?

Roxann Dawson: I'm 5' 5" and don't ask my weight.

Guy Vardaman: Gleknar asks: Many of the cast from your show as well as the other Star Trek shows have directed episodes, most recently Alexander Siddig, do you have any desire to do this as well?

Roxann Dawson: I would love to be able to direct at some point and hopefully that opportunity will come. I'm studying the directors that we're working with right now.

Guy Vardaman Byron2 asks: Are you going to author any Star Trek novels or write any Star Trek episodes?

Roxann Dawson: I don't have plans to write any Star Trek episodes, however, I do have a novel coming out, published by Simon and Schuster. It is the first of a trilogy of books, entitled "Entering Tenebrea" I'm working with a writer named Daniel Graham. We are writing this together and having a lot of fun.

Guy Vardaman: neilnene: What was your inspiration for your book?

Roxann Dawson: The only requirement for the book was that it be futuristic and have a strong female character. I think my inspiration has come in developing the lead character who is very complex.

Guy Vardaman: Dude_Man asks: When you are not working what are your interests and hobbies?

Roxann Dawson: There's not a lot of time when I'm working, but I enjoy traveling with my husband, playing with my dog, drinking French wine, and riding my motorcycle.

Guy Vardaman: Cancer_Man asks: Do you have a particular episode that you are very fond of?

Roxann Dawson: I loved performing in the episode called, "Remember." I thought the script was brilliant and very important.

Guy Vardaman: Digi-MAN asks: Did you enjoy attending Berkeley?

Roxann Dawson: I loved Berkeley because it had an East Coast feel on the West Coast.

Guy Vardaman: Coma_the_Barbarian asks: Who were some of your role models when you were groing up?

Roxann Dawson: Probably my parents. Also, I've always loved Kathrine Hepburn. Something about her independence and strength has always inspired me.

Guy Vardaman: Boby_C asks: What was it that inspired you to become an actress?

Roxann Dawson: I'm still trying to figure that out.

Guy Vardaman: Do-Da_Dude asks: Did you know you would be playing a Klingon when you first came to Trek?

Roxann Dawson: I knew I was being cast as a half-Klingon... however, I didn't know what a Klingon was. My agents told me I wouldn't be wearing a lot of make-up... they lied.

Guy Vardaman: Faber Zeller asks: How did you meet your husband?

Roxann Dawson: I wasn't on the casting couch. We met because we did a series called "Nightingales". My husband's partner was working on that and I met him through her.

Guy Vardaman: Azwiepei asks: Do you surf the net often?

Roxann Dawson: When I can figure out how the darned thing works. It's a wonder I'm an engineer.

Guy Vardaman: YulloYBluMakeVerde asks: What destiny do you think the future holds for humanity?

Roxann Dawson: Hopefully not annihilation.

Guy Vardaman: YoEstoyCansado asks: What is your favorite food?

Roxann Dawson: Pasta.

Guy Vardaman: Rose_Hips asks: How does your own personallity add to the character of B'Elanna?

Roxann Dawson: I think we're very close in a lot of ways. More than I'd like to admit.

Guy Vardaman: SiberDiek asks: Do you think this planet has been visited by extraterrestrials?

Roxann Dawson: Of course. How arrogant of us to think we're the only ones out there.

Guy Vardaman: SirPigglet2U asks: Do you play video games?

Roxann Dawson: Not unless I have to.

Guy Vardaman: BrownBeard asks: What is your favorite book?

Roxann Dawson: The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

Guy Vardaman: Moldy-1-CornKobby asks: Did your parents have a special reason for choosing your name? Or is there at least an interesting story behind it?

Roxann Dawson: Yes, there is. When my mother was pregnant, my parents went to see Cyrano De Bergerac on Broadway with Jose Ferrer and they fell in love with the name Roxanne. However, when I was born, my mother didn't know how to spell it, so she spelled it wrong.

Guy Vardaman: Derf_for_5 asks: When you set a drink on the counter do you use a coaster? Do you check to make sure the refrigerator door closes all the way when you are done? In other words are you a meticulous person?

Roxann Dawson: Yes, I'm a meticulous person. I guess in more important areas, though, than coasters and refrigerators.

Guy Vardaman: Malaisa asks: What other work have you done for TV besides ST: Voyager?

Roxann Dawson: Several series, movies of the week, mini-series, a soap opera...

Guy Vardaman: laserDaser asks: What is your mom's "favorite story" about you (i.e. "When Roxann was 4 she set fire to the dining room table and then...")?

Roxann Dawson: I never set fire to the dining room table. I did, however, jump from the sofa to the coffee table and almost lost my ear. It split. My father was holding it onto my head when he rushed me to the hospital.

Guy Vardaman: cyber_gut asks: What is your most embaressing moment on the set?

Roxann Dawson: I'm never embarrassed. I'm always perfect.

Guy Vardaman: Frug asks: If there was a colony on the moon would you want to live there?

Roxann Dawson: Could I take my dog?

Guy Vardaman: tmgracey asks: Roxann, your character is great. Who makes you laugh the most while filming. Are you coming to Toronto soon

Roxann Dawson: Ethan makes me laugh the most when we're filming. He's a non-stop comedian. I would love to come to Toronto. I did "A Chorus Line" there years ago and loved the city.

Guy Vardaman: TuberRuder asks: How did you feel when you cast in "A Chorus Line?"

Roxann Dawson: It was one of the most magical moments in my career because it was my first professional job and it was a show I dreamed of doing. And it was on Broadway, so I was floating.

Guy Vardaman: Cecilia_Lee: Ms. Dawson, I especially love when B'Elanna is struggling with and fighting with other characters (like telling Ensign Kaplan to take a deep breath and move on in Resolutions, telling Hogan to lay off Janeway since all he has to do is worry about keeping the warp core going), instead of dealing with technobabble.

Roxann Dawson: I love not having to deal with technobabble... it's much easier.

Guy Vardaman: Corkie asks: Do you think your character has been written to her full potential, are there areas of the character that you feel have not been explored?

Roxann Dawson: I think there are a lot of areas that have not been explored, but that's the wonderful thing about doing a series…you can take the time to develop the character. We don't want to know everything right away.

Guy Vardaman: lnemecek: Roxanne, you were talking about Robert's turn on stage. Do you have any plans to tread the boards, again, too?

Roxann Dawson: I would love to. It's been three years since I've been on the stage, which is the longest time in my adult life. I miss it terribly, so maybe next year... who knows?

Guy Vardaman: neilnene: Welcome, my name is Neil. What has been your most enjoyable experience working on Star Trek Voyger?

Roxann Dawson: Gosh, there are so many... Usually my most enjoyable days are when I feel that I've done a challenging scene well. And that the work has paid off.

Guy Vardaman: Cecilia_Lee: Ms. Dawson, I understand you lurk on aol boards. What's your take on the internet?

Roxann Dawson: I think the Internet is utterly and completely fascinating. I am so blown away by the recent advances in technology.

Guy Vardaman: utterly_hopeless: How did you like the idea of playing B'ellana...and were you trying to go for a different character?

Roxann Dawson: I auditioned for B'Elanna, not because I understood Star Trek, but because I found her character completely intriguing and most importantly, I understood her. I felt she was defined by a battle between her light and dark sides. That to me is a very human struggle.

Guy Vardaman: Inferno1: Mrs. Dawson, I know that the set of Star Trek :TNG and Star Trek: DS9 were very close on the Paramount lot. Is the set of Voyager close to the set of DS9 ? And if so, do you or any of your co-stars visit the set of the set of DS9 ?

Roxann Dawson: We are indeed very close. We are on the old sound stage from Next Generation. However, because of our difficult schedules, we don't see each other very often. I recently spent time with Nana in Germany and finally got to know her.

Guy Vardaman: Dave_Rossi: Is it true you're a collector of fine spices and that, in fact, you have connections to people who are in "Spices?"

Roxann Dawson: Yes, I'm connected to people with fine spices. They get me into that row right behind first class.

Guy Vardaman: neilnene: What has been your most challenging experience as an actor on Voyager?

Roxann Dawson: Probably the episode of "Faces" because it came in the first season when I barely knew who B'Elanna was. It was a great learning experience.

Guy Vardaman: EJustusIV: Mrs. Roxann Dawson, do you find the other cast members to be good friends with you or is it just work and bye?

Roxann Dawson: Yes, I am friends with the other cast members, but we don't have much time to play outside of work because the hours are so long.

Guy Vardaman: EJustusIV: Do you think that your acting career is going to go beyond Voyager?

Roxann Dawson: Good question. That's always a consideration when you're in a long-running series. I think I'm lucky in that I work behind the mask so I won't be readily identifiable as B'Elanna. Hopefully that will help.

Guy Vardaman: Cecilia_Lee: Ms. Dawson, what is your favourite media to perform. TV? Movie? Stage? Karaoke :o)

Roxann Dawson: Karaoke. How did you know?

Guy Vardaman: gleknar: Roxann: I recently saw you in Pointman! You were fine, but I actually find you even more attractive with the Klingon get-up. Just thought you'd want to know.

Guy Vardaman: You're in the Minority!

Guy Vardaman: Dybsca: Do you have your own set of Voyager action figures? What do you think of them?

Roxann Dawson: Yes, I have my action figures. I make them do strange things.

Guy Vardaman: marklc: Hi Roxann, my name is Mark, I was wondering if you have learned any of the Klingon language from your role? Which by the way is hard to pronounce?

Roxann Dawson: I have had to learn a lot of Klingon for Voyager because there are no other Klingons on the show. However, I did a book on tape of "The Klingon Way". That was extremely difficult to pronounce.

Guy Vardaman: Signate: Considering the number of Rumors you have been recieving on this chat alone I was wondering what is the most outragiously incorrect "fact" that you have heard about yourself so far?

Roxann Dawson: That I look better with Klingon make-up than without.

Guy Vardaman: I agree!

STAR TREK: CONTINUUM Host: I'd like to thank Roxann Dawson for joining us here tonight. Good luck with your future projects.

Roxann Dawson: Thank you, I've enjoyed this.

STAR TREK: CONTINUUM Host: Thank you very much for participating in tonight's Special Event.