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This part of the website is a school assignment on creating a webquest. So if you don't wont to do a webquest, go to another part of the page.

A Webquest on Modern Art


Modern art was an important part of the 20th century. It can range from the controversial to the subtle. Modern Art is a multi-million dollar industry, with museums, auction houses, and galleries at the heart of the field.


Imagine you are a curator of a modern art museum. You are planning a retrospective of an artist. You must choose an artist on this website to do the webquest. More than likely, you will also have to do research beyond the information provided on this website. The information you must have on the artist is all of the following:

15 points- Where and when the artist was born, and where they died, if they are dead

10 points- What type of art they are known for creating (such as realism, abstract expressionism, conceptualism, minimalism, etc.)

10 points-The highest price paid for an artwork by the artist ( )

10 points- What mediums they use (such as oil, acrylic, ink, canvas, pastel, charcoal, etc.)

55-Include 5 pictures of the artist's work

-Extra Credit: Include a quote from the artist, and a picture of the artist

Process & Resources

Use the following websites for sources of information:





The Tate Gallery in London

Dia Center for the Arts

Museum of Modern Art, New York City

Cheekwood Museum of Art, Nashville


If you followed all the directions in the Task, you should receive a good evaluation. It also must be typewritten, double spaced, and should be a minimum of 2 pages.


This webquest was created to provide a better understading for modern art. We hope you have enjoyed doing one.

Webquest created by Robert Spees and Mark "Rob" Bennett